Nature Index Showcases High Quality Research

Nature Index is a ranking of research of the highest quality. Its database consists of 82 leading international journals in chemistry, earth and environmental sciences, life sciences and physical sciences.

Institutions and countries are ranked according to Share, the proportional contribution to articles in the journals. Data is also provided for Count, the total number of articles to which there has been a contribution. The ranking is based on publications in the year 2020.

This year’s ranking shows that China has not suffered significantly from the pandemic. It continues to advance, increasing its Share score by 1.1 % while that of the USA has fallen by 1.3%.

The fastest growing country last year was Vietnam with an increase of 54.3%. There were also strong gains by Japan, Russia, Hungary, and Taiwan. The biggest fall was recorded by Colombia although some European countries such as the UK, France and Switzerland also tumbled.

The top five academic institutions are

!.   Harvard University, USA

  1. Stanford University, USA
  2. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA
  3. University of Tokyo, Japan
  4. University of Oxford, UK.


The top universities in each field are:

Chemistry; University of Science and Technology, China

Earth and Environmental Sciences; Nanjing University, China

Life Sciences; Harvard University, USA

Physical Sciences, MIT, USA



nature index

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