US News Global Rankings: Asia Dominates Engineering and Computer Science, US Natural Sciences

The US News has published its Best Global Universities rankings. These are entirely research based and do not include metrics related to teaching or third missions.

The overall rankings this year contain few surprises at the very top with the first place going to Harvard. However, a glance at the indicator and subject ranks suggest that there are signs that Harvard’s dominance is in danger. Although the university takes first place for global and regional research reputation, publications, total citations and papers among the top 10% and 1 % most cited, it does relatively poorly for conferences and international collaboration and scores below several Asian universities for engineering disciplines. The top twenty includes three British universities, Oxford, Cambridge and Imperial College London, and one Canadian, the University of Toronto. The other 16 are all from the USA.

The regional rankings for Africa, Asia, Australia/New Zealand, Europe, and Latin America are headed by the University of Cape Town, the National University of Singapore , the University of Melbourne, the University of Oxford, and Universidade de São Paulo respectively.

It is noticeable that Asian universities are now taking the lead in engineering and technology disciplines. The top universities in the following disciplines are:

Civil engineering; Tsinghua University, China

Computer science; Tsinghua University

Electrical and electronic engineering; Harbin Institute of Technology, China

Engineering; Tsinghua University

Materials Science; Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Mechanical Engineering; King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia,

The USA continues to lead in Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics.

The methodology comprises these research-based indicators: global and regional research reputation, publications, books, conferences, normalized citation impact, total citations, number and percentage of publications among the top 10% and 1% highly most cited, number and percentage of international collaboration.

U.S. News

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