New Research Ranking System from Turkey

The AD (Alper-Doger) Scientific Index is a ranking system developed by two Turkish scientists, Murat Alper of the University of Health Sciences, Istanbul, and Cihan Doger of Ankara City Hospital. It is based on the i10 index, h-index, and citation scores in Google Scholar.

The ranking provides lists of universities, countries and scientists. The United States dominate the list of top universities with 37 places in the top fifty. Next is the UK with six, followed by Canada with four, and Switzerland, Sweden and Australia with one each.

Some interesting regional patterns are revealed. For example, although the top six universities in Africa are located, as expected, in South Africa, a number of less well-known institutions such as Université Mohammed V in Morocco, Zewail City of Science and Technology in Egypt, and University of Ibadan in Nigeria have performed well.

Mainland Chinese university do not do well in these rankings. The list of Asian universities is headed by the National university of Singapore, followed by Seoul National University and the Chinese University of Hong Kong. The best performing Mainland university is Tsinghua University in sixth place.

California has done extremely well, with four out of the top five places and nine out of the top fifty.


The top five world universities are:

  1. Harvard University
  2. Stanford University
  3. University of California Berkeley
  4. University of California Los Angeles
  5. University of California San Diego.

The top five countries are:

  1. USA
  2. UK
  3. Canada
  4. Australia
  5. Germany

The top five scientists are affiliated respectively to Harvard, Kyungpook National University, South Korea, Harvard, Washington University St Louis, and MIT.



AD Scientific Index 2021


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