Japan Uses Rankings to Attract Top Talent
The Japanese Justice Ministry has announced that it will introduce a new visa programme, Japan System for Future Creation Individual Visa (J-Find). This will allow graduates of leading foreign universities to enter Japan to search for a job for up to two years. To qualify for the visa, applicants must have received a degree within […]
New Ethical Ranking from Globethics
Globethics is an independent organisation based in Switzerland that seeks to promote ethical leadership in higher education and is accredited by European and British agencies as a learning centre. The organisation has now produced what it claims is the first values-driven ranking. It is based on surveys sent to students and academic staff with 46 […]
International Student Ranking Published
The Studocu World University Ranking is based on a survey of registered students. Respondents were asked to rate their universities with regard to 15 criteria: Food, Quality of life, Dating scene, Studying remotely, Safety, Sports culture, Quality of modules, Housing, Location, Facilities, Academic reputation and job opportunities, Social activity, Accessibility, Finance, and Diversity and inclusion. […]
Two Decades of the Webometrics Ranking
The Ranking Web of Universities, better known as Webometrics, is published twice a year by the Cybermetrics Lab, which is part of the Spanish Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. It started in 2004 and has expanded to include over 32,000 institutions. The current indicators are: Visibility; number of external networks linking to webpages (weighting 50%) […]
US News Changes Law School Rankings
The US News has announced that it will introduce significant changes to its influential law school rankings. It Is likely that the changes will influence other rankings by the publisher and possibly other ranking agencies. Already Harvard Medical School has declared that it will not submit data for the medical school rankings. This followed an […]
GreenMetric Rankings Show Commitment to Sustainability
The GreenMetric rankings, published by Universitas Indonesia, were the first attempt to evaluate universities according to their commitment to and support for environmental, social, and economic sustainability. Western European universities have performed well but Chinese institutions are noticeable by their absence. Indonesia, Malaysia and Chinese Taipei are well represented. The methodology, which has remained stable […]
New Subject Rankings from RUR
Round University Rankings (RUR), whose legal address is now in Tblisi, Georgia, have published the latest edition of their subject rankings. These are based on the world rankings, with a significant change that the financial indicators refer only to research income rather than a combination of research and total income. They include four groups of […]
Assessment and rankings are different tools – IREG position paper on Agreement on Reforming Research Assessment
IREG Observatory on Academic Ranking and Excellence welcomes the broad debate on research assessment expressed in the Agreement on Reforming Research Assessment (CoARA) https://coara.eu/ published under the auspices of the European Union. On several occasions the document refers to academic rankings, however, it misreads the role and place of rankings in the world of higher […]
URAP Rankings Chart Changing Research Landscape
The latest edition of University Ranking by Academic Performance (URAP) show that French and Chinese universities continue to improve dramatically. These rankings have been published by the Informatics Institute at Middle East Technical University in Ankara. They are research-based with six indicators that measure research quality, quantity, impact, and productivity and international scientific collaboration: Article […]
Employability Ranking: American Universities Perform Well as Employers Look Beyond Academic Performance
Times Higher Education (THE) has just announced the latest edition of the Global Employability University Ranking and Survey (GEURS), conducted by Emerging, the French based Human Resources consulting firm. The ranking is based on a survey of corporate managers in 24 countries who were asked to rate the employability performance of 1000 universities. The top […]