New Ethical Ranking from Globethics

Globethics is an independent organisation based in Switzerland that seeks to promote ethical leadership in higher education and is accredited by European and British agencies as a learning centre.

The organisation has now produced what it claims is the first values-driven ranking. It is based on surveys sent to students and academic staff with 46 and 44 indicators respectively. These have been weighted and combined into four tables. It seems that 100 universities in 38 countries took part and a ranking has been produced for 25 countries.

Universities from African, Latin America and Eastern Europe are well represented while China is completely absent. The top universities in the various tables are:

Weighted Total; Universidade de Santiago, Cape Verde

Student Learning Experience; Universidade de Santiago

Conducive Working Environment; Instituto Superior de Formación Tributaria, Paraguay

Student Sustainability and Integrity; Instituto Superior de Formación Tributaria

Institution Sustainability and Resilience Commitment; Instituto Superior de Formación Tributaria.




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