The Ranking Web of Universities, also known as Webometrics, is produced by the Cybermetrics Lab which is affiliated to the Spanish Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC). It now ranks universities by web activity and the quality of scientific research. Currently over 30,000 institutions are given a score.
There are three indicators in the latest edition:
Visibility (50%); number of external networks linking to the institution’s webpages; Source Majestic, Ahrefs
Transparency or Openness (10%); number of citations from top authors in Google Scholar Profiles
Excellence or Scholar (40%); number of papers in the 10% most cited 2015-2019; Source Scimago.
At the top there are not many surprises. It is noticeable, however, that larger public universities in the USA such as Michigan and Washington do better than some Ivy League institutions such as Yale or Cornell. The leading world university is Harvard followed by Stanford, MIT, Berkeley, and Michigan.
Webometrics provides several regional rankings. The top ranked universities in some of these are:
BRICS and Asia; Tsinghua University, China
CIVETS and Sub Saharan Africa; University of Cape Town, South Africa
South Asia; Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
South East Asian; National University of Singapore
European Union; Utrecht University, Netherlands
Central and Eastern Europe; Charles University in Prague, Czechia
Caribbean; University of Puerto Rico
Arab World; King Saud University, Saudi Arabia.