Round University Rankings Show Chinese and Indian Success

The Moscow based Round University Rankings use bibliometric and survey data from Clarivate Analytics combined with information from the institutions. There are 20 indicators grouped in 4 clusters: Teaching (40% weighting), Research (40%), International Diversity (10%), and Financial Sustainability (10%). Altogether 828 universities are ranked.

These rankings are based on a broad range of metrics and a balanced weighting structure. They have, however, been ignored outside Russia and a few  neighbouring countries.

At the top the current rankings are similar to other rankings that emphasise research. The top five universities are:

  1. Harvard University
  2. California Institute of Technology (Caltech)
  3. Imperial College London
  4. Stanford University
  5. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

Over the last decade Chinese universities have risen largely at the expense of US institutions. There are now six Chinese universities in the top one hundred led by Peking University in 23rd place.

This year a number of Indian universities have done well. The Indian Institute of Science is in 62nd place, buoyed by high scores for financial sustainability, doctoral degrees, and academic staff. Three other Indian schools, the IITs Delhi and Madras, and the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Pune, are in the top three hundred.


Round University Ranking


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