New Ranking from

The ranking Is derived from data in the Microsoft Academic Graph at the end of 2022. It measures the H index of researchers affiliated with global universities. Affiliation information is taken from Google Scholar and Microsoft Academic Graph.

The ranking is based on citations accumulated over a career so there is a clear bias towards older researchers and institutions. The United States is strongly represented throughout the rankings. There are not many Asian universities at the top of the ranking but there are a large number further down, especially from China and India.

The top of the global ranking is quite familiar. Harvard is in first place followed by Stanford, Johns Hopkins, University of California Los Angeles, and Oxford.

The top five countries overall by number of universities included are:

1. United States 559

2. China 304

3. India 189

4. United Kingdom 129

5. France 112.

The top five countries by number of universities in the top 100 are:

1. United States 52

2. United Kingdom 8

3. Netherlands   7

4=  Australia   5

4=  Canada   5.



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