MosIUR Rankings Measure Social Impact

The Moscow International Ranking (MosIUR), or the Three University Missions Ranking is published annually by a private non-profit organisation, the Association of Rating Makers.

This ranking makes an effort to assess the social impact of universities in addition to their teaching and research missions. There are currently 16 indicators, grouped as follows:

  • Education: Student competitions, International students, University budgets, Student staff ratio, Awards won by staff and alumni
  • Science: Awards won by staff and alumni, National and global normalised citation impact, Research income
  • University and Society: Number of massive open online courses, Share of national publications, Website pages indexed by search engines, Wikipedia views of University pages, Followers of university social media, Alumni in Wikipedia, University website reach, Transparency.

The overall ranking is headed by Harvard with MIT in second place. British universities do very well with Oxford, Cambridge, University College London, and Imperial College in the top ten.

Russian universities also perform well with Lomonosov Moscow State University, St Petersburg State University, and the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology in the top fifty.

The agency reports that the presence of Asian universities has increased while that of European institutions has declined. Chinese universities have improved largely because of advances in citation impact and research income. Indian universities have improved their ranks because of increases in funding per student and online courses.




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