Leiden Ranking

The CWTS Leiden Ranking is published by the Centre for Science and Technology Studies at Leiden University. It provides data on academic publications by universities and, in recent years, has added tables on international and industrial collaboration, open access, and gender equity.

The publication data is derived from core journals in the Web of Science database. Tables can be adjusted for field, country, and minimum number of publications.

The metric that will likely receive the most attention is the total number of publications over a four-year period, with collaborative publications counted fractionally.

The most dramatic feature of this indicator in this year’s ranking is the rise of Zhejiang University to first place, replacing Harvard, which still, however, continues to lead for number of publications in the top 10% and 1% of journals. The top twenty universities now include fifteen Chinese, two US, and one each from Canada, Brazil, and South Korea.

The top universities in selected categories are:

Total publications; Zhejiang University, China

Proportion of publications in the top 10% in field; Princeton University, USA

Proportion of publications in the top 1% in field; Northeast Electric Power University, China

Proportion of Publications with International co-author: University of Science and Technology, South Korea

Proportion of publications with Industrial collaboration, China University of Petroleum

Proportion of open access publications; University of Groningen, Netherlands

Proportion of Female Authorship; Princess Nourah Bint Abdulrahman University, Saudi Arabia.



CWTS Leiden Ranking

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