Who are the World’s Innovative Universities?

The Institute of Scientific Information at Clarivate has published a global ranking of universities that have made the greatest contributions to innovation. The ranking is based on citations from unique inventions that have been granted patents over the period 2018-2022.

The list of the top fifty innovative universities is dominated by the United States with thirty institutions, followed by France and the United Kingdom with four each, Japan with three, Canada and Switzerland with two each, and Belgium, China, Germany, Germany, Singapore, and South Korea with one each.

Despite its current economic and social troubles, California remains an innovation powerhouse: the list includes University of California centres at Berkeley, San Diego, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Santa Barbara, Stanford University, California Institute of Technology, and the University of Southern California.

The top ten universities are:

  1. Harvard University
  2. Stanford University
  3. Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  4. University of California Berkeley
  5. Université Paris Cité
  6. University of Cambridge
  7. University of Washington Seattle
  8. University of California San Diego
  9. University of Michigan
  10. University of Toronto.




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