URAP Subject Rankings Announced

University Ranking by Academic Performance is published by the Informatics Institute of the Middle East Technical University, Ankara. It is a research-based ranking that uses publicly available data from InCites. Universities in Asia and Eastern Europe that are dissatisfied with the better-known rankings are now beginning to pay it some attention.

There are currently six indicators: articles in the top three quartiles according to Journal Impact Factor, citations for total documents over five years, total documents over five years including conference papers, reviews, letters, discussions, scripts, and journal articles, article impact in 24 subject areas over a five-year period, citation impact in 24 subject areas over a five-year period, and international collaboration.

The Field-Based rankings have just been released following the publication of the World University Ranking in December of last year.

The Field-Based rankings show that the humanities and social sciences and the medical and life sciences are dominated by US and, to a lesser extent, by British, Australian, and Dutch universities. Harvard University, for example, holds first place for Biological Sciences, Immunology, Clinical Neurology, Dentistry, Economics and Statistics. The University of Oxford leads for Sociology, Philosophy, Political Science, and History. In contrast, engineering subjects are dominated by Mainland Chinese universities, especially Tsinghua.

The new rankings also show that France is particularly strong in Mathematical and Physical Sciences. The top ten in both tables include Universite Paris Cite, Universite Paris Saclay, and Sorbonne Universite.

It also seems that Latin America is establishing a presence in the life sciences, especially Zoology, where the Universidade de Sao Paulo, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, and Universidade Estadual Paulista, Sao Paulo, are among the top ten.


University Ranking by Academic Performance

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