Taiwan Rankings Show Changes Over Decade

The latest edition of the National Taiwan University Rankings (also known as the Performance Ranking of Scientific Papers for World Universities) has just appeared. The rankings are entirely research-based and measure three aspects: Productivity, Impact, and Excellence.

The indicators are:

  • Number of articles 2010-2020
  • Number of articles 2020
  • Number of citations 2010-2020
  • Number of citations 2019-2020
  • Average number of citations 2010-2020
  • h-index 2019-20
  • Number of highly cited papers 2010-2020
  • Number of articles in high-impact journals 2019-2020.

These rankings are relatively stable compared to some global tables. They tend to favour larger universities such as the University of Toronto and the University of Michigan.

The leader of this year’s rankings is Harvard followed by Stanford, Toronto and Oxford. The top Asian university is Tsinghua and the top continental European the University of Copenhagen.

The top university for each of the indicators is:

11 years articles: University of Toronto

Current articles: Zhejiang University

11 years citations: Stanford University

Current citations: Stanford University

Average citations: Massachusetts Institute of Technology

H-index: Stanford University

Hi Ci papers: Stanford University

Hi impact journal articles: Stanford University.


NTU Rankings

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