Supercomputer Ranking from TOP 500

Top 500 is a ranking of supercomputers or computer systems compiled by  Erich Strohmaier and Horst Simon of NERSC/Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA, Jack Dongarra of the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA, and Hans Meuer of the University of Mannheim, Germany and is published twice a year.

The latest edition shows that the USA is in the lead with 173 systems. China is lagging behind with 63 systems, none of them new. It appears that China is not reporting its latest developments in computer technology. Other countries strongly represented in the rankings include Germany with 40 systems, Japan with 34, France with 24, and the UK and Italy with 14 each.

The top five systems are:

  1. El Capitan, DOE/NNSA/LLNL, USA
  2. Frontier, DOE/SC/Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA
  3. Aurora, DOE/SC/Argonne National Laboratory, USA
  4. Eagle, Microsoft Azure, USA
  5. HPC6, Eni S.p.A, Italy

The top five academic systems are: 

  1. Leonardo, EuroHPC/CINECA, Italy
  2. Jean Zay H100, CNRS/IDRIS-GENCI, France
  3. Miyabi-G, Joint Center for Advanced High Performance Computing, Japan
  4. Adastra, Grand Equipement National de Calcul Intensif – Centre Informatique National de l’Enseignement Suprieur (GENCI-CINES), France
  5. TSUBAME 4.0, Institute of Science Tokyo, Japan.




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