South and Southeast Asia Rise in uniRank Social Media Rankings

uniRank is a directory and search engine that currently includes over 14,000 recognised or accredited higher education institutions that offer mainly in person courses for undergraduate or postgraduate degrees. It is essentially a measure of web activity rather than teaching or research and provides insights into global trends.

The world ranking is based on an algorithm that combines the following web metrics: Moz Domain Authority, SimilarWeb Global Rank, Majestic Referring Domains, and Majestic Trust Flow.

The general ranking holds few surprises. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is in first place in the world, followed by Harvard and Stanford, while the University of Cape Town leads for Africa, the University of Tokyo for Asia, the University of Oxford for Europe, Universidade de São Paulo for Latin America, and the University of Melbourne in Australia.

uniRank also includes social media rankings.  Harvard again takes the lead for Facebook, Instagram and YouTube, while Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México leads for Twitter.

The social media rankings show that South and Southeast Asian universities are making a big impact through various platforms. The top ten for Facebook include Daffodil International University, Bangladesh, Amity University, India, and Universiti Teknologi Kreatif Limkokwing, Malaysia. Four Indonesian universities are in the Twitter top ten and in the YouTube University Ranking Shree Guru Gobind Singh Tricentenary University holds fifth place, ahead of Cambridge and just behind MIT.




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