RUR Subject Rankings: Elite Universities in Decline

Round University Rankings (RUR) have announced the new edition of their subject rankings. The rankings are currently published in Tbilisi, Georgia.

The broad subject rankings use the same methodology as the world rankings, while the narrow subject rankings are based entirely on papers, citations, and patents.

The broad rankings consist of four groups of indicators as follows:

Teaching (40% weighting); including Academic staff per student and per bachelor degree, doctoral degrees per academic staff and per bachelor degree, online visibility

Research (40%); including Citations per staff, share of graduate degrees awarded, normalized citation impact, papers per staff, social media visibility

International Diversity (10%); including share of international academic staff, share of international students, share of international co-authored papers, new media impact, international level

Financial Sustainability (10%), including institutional income per staff and per student, research income per staff and per institutional income, and level of financial stability.

The top universities for broad subjects are:

Humanities;   Stanford University, USA

Life sciences; California Institute of Technology, USA

Medical Sciences; Northwestern University, USA

Natural Sciences; Princeton University, USA

Social Sciences; ETH Zurich, Switzerland

Technical Sciences; Peking University, China.

It is noticeable that the old elite universities of the world are not doing so well. Oxford, Cambridge, and Yale do not lead for any subject, while Harvard is now in first place only for neuroscience. In contrast, Chinese universities lead for six narrow subjects: Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore for Computer Science, Engineering, and Materials Science, University of Oklahoma for Veterinary Science, and University of California San Diego for Medicine.

US universities lead for fourteen narrow subjects, Chinese for six, NTU for three, and Universite de Paris for one.


Round University Ranking

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