Eclipse of the Universities – Scimago Institutions Ranking

The SCImago Institutions Rankings are published by Scimago Lab, a company created by research groups at the Spanish National Research Council and the University of Granada and has published institutional rankings since 2009.

It provides data for the Webometrics rankings and is a pioneer among ranking agencies by including metrics for gender, open access, sustainability, and altmetrics. It relies on public sources and does not require data submission from institutions.

The methodology, which was updated in 2024, is based on three factors: Research (50% weighting), Innovation (30%), and Societal (20%).

Research includes various measures related to the quality and quantity of publications, international collaboration, and open access. Data is from Scopus.

Innovation (30% weighting) comprises three metrics related to patents. Data is from PATSAT.

Societal (20% weighting) includes altmetrics, web size and quality, activity related to UN Sustainable Development Goals, gender equity, and public impact.

Scimago provides rankings for Government, Health, Universities, Companies, Non-Profits, and all sectors.

The overall rankings are led by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, followed by the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Harvard University, and the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences.

These rankings confirm the continuing decline of American and European universities and the growing research capabilities of those in China and a few other Asian countries. Perhaps more significantly, they show that government agencies including the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Chinese Ministry of Education, the Russian Academy of Sciences.  the French and Spanish national research centres, and Helmholtz Gemeinschaft, are now more significant than the university sector.

In Medicine, however, Harvard continues as the world’s leading research institution.

The top institutions in the selected narrow subject or broad subjects are:

Agricultural and Biological Sciences; Chinese Academy of Sciences

Arts and Humanities; Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique

Chemistry; Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China

Computer Science; Chinese Academy of Sciences

Earth and Planetary Sciences; Chinese Academy of Sciences

Engineering; Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China

Mathematics; Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique

Medicine; Harvard University

Physics and Astronomy; Chinese Academy of Sciences

Social Sciences; Chinese Academy of Sciences




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