Clarivate List of Highly Cited Researchers

Clarivate have released the 2023 edition of their list of highly cited researchers, comprising 6,849 individuals, representing the top one per cent of the world’s scientists by citation.

The USA remains home to the largest number of highly cited researchers with a 37.5% share of the world total, representing a decline of 0.8 points. Mainland China is now home to 17.9%, a significant increase of 1.7% since last year. The USA and China are followed by the UK, Germany, Australia, Canada, the Netherlands, France, Hong Kong, and Italy.

The top ten institutions and the number of affiliated highly cited researchers are:

  1. Chinese Academy of Sciences 270
  2. Harvard University, USA 237
  3. Stanford University, USA 126
  4. National Institutes of Health, USA 105
  5. Tsinghua University, USA 78
  6. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA 73
  7. University of California San Diego, USA 71
  8. University of Pennsylvania, USA 63
  9. University of Oxford, UK 62
  10. Max Planck Society, Germany 59.

Among the universities that have risen significantly in rank are the University of Hong Kong, the University of California San Francisco, Université Paris Cité, and Université Paris Saclay.

Clarivate have made a considerable effort to preserve the integrity of the research data such as excluding papers with more than 30 authors and taking precautions against excessive self-citation or citation circles




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