In a contest to select the most inspiring and active Polish universities operating within alliances of European universities Prof. Marek Pawelczyk of the Silesian University of Technology (member of IREG Observatory) became a laureate of the “European Universities – Alliances of the Future” competition in the “Personality” category. The competition was organized i by the Polish National Agency for the Erasmus+ Program and the European Solidarity Corps
The Silesian University of Technology, where Prof. Pawelczyk serves as Vice Rector is a member of the EURECA-PRO. Members of the consortium, operate under as the “European University on Responsible Consumption and Production”. ”Our consortium – explains Pawelczyk – was built on values that unite us and the role that individual universities play in their regions. These regions were the main production base in their countries, it was mostly heavy industry, its presence had an impact on the environment . Currently, these are regions that invest in new technologies, yet do not forget about the tradition and use the work ethic imbedded in the people. I think that this is why they are more sensitive than others to the issues of responsible management in the full sense of the word, i.e. the use of raw materials and energy, production, diversification and social consequences. This topic is present in the formulation of our common research goals, it is present in the proposed programs of specializations and fields of study, as well as in the approach to management.”
“European Universities” and the Polish “Initiative of Excellence – Research University (IDUB)” have positively impacted higher education. According to Pawelczyk, they ”introduced a creative disorder in the Polish academic world, violated a state that had not changed for many years. It was necessary to start thinking differently about the functioning of universities and their role, to direct our universities to different tracks than before, so that they could become partners for prestigious European universities. And this disorder and the resulting consent of academic communities to the bold changes are the greatest value of these programs.”
The Silesian University of Technology in the EURECA-PRO consortium is responsible for a package called “Governance”. Pawelczyk thinks it is particularly important because active participation in projects with other members of the consortium requires efficiency and commitment on the part of the university top management. Some of our Partners are very successful in obtaining projects in the Horizon programs, including the ERC, and we hope to benefit from their experience. Despite many formal obstacles, new study programs and specializations are being created. As an example, a joint field of study in Geoinformatics the Salesian University of Technology will run together with the University of Leoben in Austria.
The Silesian University of Technology is one of the partners of the EURECA-PRO (European University Alliance on Responsible Consumption and Production) consortium, established with 8 European universities. The consortium enables students and employees to educate and conduct research in the field of responsible consumption and production.