Global Employability Ranking Identifies Top Schools for Jobs
Times Higher Education (THE) has published the latest edition of the Global University Employability Rankings which are produced by Emerging, a French human resource consulting company. The ranking of 250 universities is based on a survey of recruiters at leading global companies. The United States and Western Europe continue to lead for employability. The top […]
WIPO Tracks Global Innovation Trends
The Global Innovation Index (GII) is published by the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO), which is an agency of the United Nations. Its purpose is to develop an international Intellectual Property (IP) system. The Global Innovation Index is based on over 80 indicators of innovative capability including investment in research and development, expenditure on education, […]
THE World University Rankings Introduce New Methodology
Times Higher Education (THE) has just announced the latest edition of its world rankings. This has been billed as WUR 3.0 as there is now a new and very different methodology. The rankings are now based on 18 indicators. There are three more measures of citations, research strength, research excellence, and research quality. This is […]
Ranking of Entrepreneurial Universities by PitchBook
PitchBook is a financial data and software company with offices in Seattle, London, New York, San Francisco, Hong Kong, and Singapore. Among its various activities is the publication of university rankings based on graduates who have raised venture capital during the last decade. The global ranking table includes three universities from Australia, seven from Europe, […]
Latest Edition of the Taiwan Rankings
The NTU rankings, also known as the Performance Ranking of Scientific Papers for World Universities, began life in 2007 as a project of the Higher Education Evaluation and Accreditation Council of Taiwan (HEEACT), evaluating 500 international universities. Since then, it has expanded to over 1,000 universities and has been transferred to the National Taiwan University. […]
Leiden Ranking Announces Open-Source Ranking
The Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS) at Leiden University, Netherlands, has announced that it will publish a new university ranking next year using open data and open algorithms. This will complement the current rankings derived from data in the Web of Science. According to Ludo Waltman, Deputy Director of CWTS, most current rankings […]
A New US National Ranking from the Wall Street Journal
In the last few years national and regional university rankings have become more prominent as interest in global rankings has receded. It is likely that there will be more national rankings if international student mobility continues to decline. The Wall Street Journal has just published the 2024 edition of the Best Colleges in the USA. […]
Five new members from Kuwait, United Arab Emirates and Uzbekistan joined IREG Observatory in August
The General Assembly admitted and welcomed as full members of IREG Observatory on Academic Ranking and Excellence the following institutions: Gulf University for Science and Technology, Kuwait Abu Dhabi University, United Arab Emirates Al Ain University, United Arab Emirates Tashkent Institute of Finance, Uzbekistan UAE Higher Education Excellence Framework (Ministry of Education), United Arab Emirates […]
Rankings and Higher Education Initiatives
A study of the relationship between global rankings and national higher education initiatives and global rankings has been published in Humanities and Social Sciences Communications by Congbin Guo, Peking University, Jiaqui Wu, China Agricultural University, and Tizhen Hu, Peking University. The article notes that several countries, including Germany, Russia, China, South Korea, India, Poland, Saudi […]
Shanghai Rankings Reveal Rising and Declining University Systems
The Shanghai Rankings, officially known as the Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU), are the oldest of the global university rankings and their methodology has remained stable over two decades, aside from some adjustments to the Highly Cited Researchers indicator. University ranks are based entirely on objective data derived from third party sources. There are […]