European engineering education EngiRank 2023 published

The European Ranking of Engineering Programs or EngiRank – was inaugurated in Brussel 17th November in presence of universities and European engineering organizations. The top place went to the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) followed by Delft University of Technology (Netherlands) and KU Leuven (Belgium). Other universities in the top ten (including ex aequo): […]

MosIUR Rankings Measure Social Impact

The Moscow International Ranking (MosIUR), or the Three University Missions Ranking is published annually by a private non-profit organisation, the Association of Rating Makers. This ranking makes an effort to assess the social impact of universities in addition to their teaching and research missions. There are currently 16 indicators, grouped as follows: Education: Student competitions, […]

Statement on Global Rankings

The United Nations University International Institute for Global Health has just published a report on global university rankings prepared by an International Exprts Group composed mainly of academics and administrators. The statement focuses on “the longest-operating and the most influential ones”, specifically those produced by Quacquarelli Symonds, Times Higher Education, the ShanghaiRanking Consultancy and the […]

Clarivate Issues List of Nobel Standard Researchers

Clarivate recently published a list of researchers who, based on data supplied by the Institute of Scientific Information, have produced work of Nobel prize quality. Prizes are awarded in the disciplines of Physiology and Medicine, Physics, Chemistry, and Economics. Judging from the current list, the old elite institutions continue to dominate scientific research at the […]

Utrecht University chose not to provide data for THE Ranking 2024

Utrecht University, one of the best universities in Europe has chosen not to submit its data to the Times Higher Education (THE) World University Ranking . The reasoning behind university’s decision is that “rankings put too much stress on scoring and competition, while we want to focus on collaboration and open science”. Utrecht University “advise […]

US News Changes Methodology

There have been significant changes this year in the methodology of the global rankings produced by QS and Times Higher Education. In addition, there have been some important developments in national rankings, especially the latest edition of America’s Best Colleges published by US News. For its latest edition US News has introduced several new indicators […]

Global Employability Ranking Identifies Top Schools for Jobs

Times Higher Education (THE) has published the latest edition of the Global University Employability Rankings which are produced by Emerging, a French human resource consulting company. The ranking of 250 universities is based on a survey of recruiters at leading global companies. The United States and Western Europe continue to lead for employability. The top […]

WIPO Tracks Global Innovation Trends

The Global Innovation Index (GII) is published by the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO), which is an agency of the United Nations. Its purpose is to develop an international Intellectual Property (IP) system. The Global Innovation Index is based on over 80 indicators of innovative capability including investment in research and development, expenditure on education, […]

THE World University Rankings Introduce New Methodology

Times Higher Education (THE) has just announced the latest edition of its world rankings. This has been billed as WUR 3.0 as there is now a new and very different methodology. The rankings are now based on 18 indicators. There are three more measures of citations, research strength, research excellence, and research quality. This is […]

Ranking of Entrepreneurial Universities by PitchBook

PitchBook is a financial data and software company with offices in Seattle, London, New York, San Francisco, Hong Kong, and Singapore. Among its various activities is the publication of university rankings based on graduates who have raised venture capital during the last decade. The global ranking table includes three universities from Australia, seven from Europe, […]