Times Higher Education (THE) has just published the second edition of their China Subject Rankings. These are based on the classification of subjects by the Chinese Ministry of Education. Altogether, grades are assigned for 89 subjects and there are rankings based on average grades for 12 clusters of subjects.
The indicators are based on the THE World University Rankings, minus two indicators relating to doctoral education, the THE China Reputation survey, the THE Academic Reputation survey, and bibliometric data from Elsevier.
Peking University was first in China in Philosophy, Economics, Law, Medicine, Management, Arts, Literature, History and Physical Sciences, Tsinghua University in Education and Engineering, and Zhejiang University in Agriculture.
According to THE the rankings show that China is equal to the UK, the USA, Canada, better than France, Japan, Russia, and South Korea, and behind Australia, the Netherlands, and Germany.
The subjects where China did best were Metallurgical Engineering, Urban and Rural Planning, Atmospheric Sciences, Transport Engineering and Education.
China did not perform well in Forestry Engineering, and Psychology.