2nd Academicus Event Maribor on Academic Excellence
26 January 2015
The 2nd Academicus event Maribor that took place at the University of Maribor between January 19th – 20th, 2015, in co-organisation between the IREG Observatory, Jiao Tong University Shanghai and University of Maribor attracted 75 participants from different states, especially the neighbouring states of Slovenia Italy, Croatia and Austria, but also from farer states, as Saudi Arabia and India.
The programme was spiced with interesting presentations on the topic of the relation between academic awards and the quality of institutions or the question, whether the quality of an institution can be measured by taking a look at the academic awards received by the institution or its researchers. The presentations were followed by vivid discussions giving the result that a lot of work has to be done to come to more grounded information for the measuring of the impact of awards on the quality of an institution.