Times Higher Education (THE) has announced the results of its rankings by subject. There are eleven subjects, and the methodology is based on that used in the World University Rankings although there are significant differences in the weighting of the various indicators. Teaching Reputation, for example, varies from 25.3% for Arts and Humanities to 17.9% for Life Sciences, Medical and Health, Physical Sciences and Psychology.
Universities are ranked according to five “pillars of evaluation”:
- Teaching; teaching reputation, staff-student ratio, doctorate-staff ratio, doctorate-bachelor ratio, institutional income
- Research Environment; research reputation, research income, research productivity
- Research Quality; citation impact, research strength, research excellence, research influence
- Industry; industry income, patents
- International outlook; international students, international staff, international collaboration.
The arts and humanities and the social sciences continue to be dominated by the United States and Western Europe. Asian universities, especially from Mainland China, have made inroads in engineering and the hard sciences. The National University pf Singapore has reached 9th place for Engineering, Peking University 11th and Tsinghua University 13th. Peking and Tsinghua are 11th and 12th for Physical Sciences.
The USA, however, still holds most of the very top positions. The top universities for each subject are:
Arts and Humanities; Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Business and Economics; Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Computer Science; University of Oxford
Education Studies; Stanford University
Engineering; Harvard University
Law; Stanford University
Life Sciences; Harvard University
Medical and Health; University of Oxford
Physical Sciences; California Institute of Technology
Psychology; Stanford University
Social Sciences; Massachusetts Institute of Technology.