Taiwan Rankings Latest Edition

The NTU Rankings, also known as the Performance Ranking of Scientific Papers for World Universities, started in 2007, and since 2012 have been published by the National Taiwan University.

This is a research-only ranking that assesses citations and publications in the Science Citation Index Expanded and the Social Science Citation Index. It combines indicators over eleven years with those from a period of one or two years. In addition to the overall rankings, NTU has field and subject rankings.

There are currently eight indicators in three clusters:

  • Research Productivity; number of articles in the last eleven years, number of articles in the current year (25% weighting)
  • Research Impact; number of citations in the last eleven years; number of citations in the last two years; average number of citations in the last eleven years (35% weighting)
  • Research Excellence; h-index of the last two years; number of highly cited papers, number of articles in high impact journals in the current year (40% weighting)

The latest edition shows that US and British universities continue to perform well at the upper levels of these rankings. Harvard is in first place, followed by Stanford and University College London, Oxford, and Cambridge are respectively third, fifth, and ninth. The University of Toronto, Tsinghua University, and Zhejiang University round out the top ten.

The top university in each field is:

Agriculture; Wageningen University, Netherlands

Medicine; Harvard University, USA

Engineering; Tsinghua University, China

Life Sciences; Harvard University, USA

Natural Sciences; ETH Zurich

Social Sciences; Harvard University, USA.

A comparison of the 2007 and 2024 rankings suggests that some US universities, especially those in California, except for Stanford, have fallen significantly. UCLA has fallen from 5th to 19th, Berkeley from 7th to 30th, San Diego from 8th to 22nd, and the University of Southern California from 51st to 100th.



NTU Rankings












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