General information on ranking
Name of the ranking | uniRank University Ranking™ |
Geographical scope | global |
Status of the ranking | independent |
Name of person in charge of ranking | Fabio Fatuzzo |
E-mail of person in charge of ranking | |
Website of the ranking | |
Publication frequency | semiannual |
First year of publication | 2005 |
Most recent year of publication | 2018 |
Ranking organization | uniRank™ |
Website of the methodology | |
Additional information
- Type of publication: internet
- Internet users access to ranking: open access
- Language of publication: English
- Main target groups: students and parents,
- Level of comparison: institutional,
- Other: Facebook University Rankings (number of fans/likes) and Twitter University Rankings (number of followers)
- Major dimensions covered: employability, web presence
- Structure of presentation: ordinary presentation (league tables)
- Data sources: Other: An algorithm including 5 unbiased and independent web metrics extracted from 4 different web intelligence sources: Moz Domain Authority, Alexa Global Rank, SimilarWeb Global Rank, Majestic Referring Domains, Majestic Trust Flow.
- Quality assurance of ranking: advisory board
- Website of the ranking organization: