General information on ranking

Name of the ranking (in English) Le Figaro Engineering School Ranking
Name of the ranking (in original) Le Figaro Classement des Ecoles d’ingénieurs
Scope of the ranking engineering schools ranking
Website of the ranking
First year of publication 2012
Most recent year of publication 2022
Date of last update 2023-05-04
Publication frequency annual
Ranking organization Le Figaro
Methodology website

Le Figaro collected information on 164 engineering schools. Three areas are considered for the ranking performance: the academic excellence of the schools, their international influence and their relations with companies (they are all valued with the same weight). The ranking in several distinct categories are published (each school could compete in a maximum of three categories): Best Engineering Schools of Excellence, Best Post-baccalaureate Engineering Schools, Best Computer Engineering Schools, Best Engineering Schools in Agronomy, Best Engineering Schools in Physics and Chemistry, Best Engineering Schools in Industrial Engineering and Mechanical Engineering, Best Environmental Energy Engineering Schools, Best Generalist and Multidisciplinary Engineering Schools, Best Materials Engineering Schools, Best Logistics Transport Engineering Schools.

The quality of recruitment (coef. 2), exposure to the world of research (coef. 2), the proportion of double graduates (coef. 0.5), the proportion of double graduates of excellence (coef. 1.5).

The share of graduates working abroad one year after graduation (coef. 1) and the share of foreign graduates (coef. 1), the performance of the schools in the major international rankings such as the QS and the Shanghai ranking (coef. 2), long-term international exposure (coef. 1), made up of the proportion of graduates who had spent a semester or more abroad on an academic exchange and those who had spent a semester or more abroad on an internship.

The salaries upon leaving France (coef. 2), the policy of industrial chairs in connection with the professional world (coef. 1), the turnover of the junior-company (coef. 1), presence on professional networks (coef. 1).

Additional information

  • Main target groups: higher education institutions, students and parents
  • Level of comparison: institutional: 164
  • Major dimensions covered: employability, internationalization, research, teaching
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