General information on ranking

Name of the ranking (in English) Le Figaro Engineering School Ranking
Name of the ranking (in original) Le Figaro Classement des Ecoles d’ingénieurs
Scope of the ranking engineering schools ranking
Website of the ranking
First year of publication 2012
Most recent year of publication 2024
Date of last update 2024-11-01
Publication frequency annual
Ranking organization Le Figaro
Methodology website

The Figaro rankings of the major engineering schools are based on around twenty indicators selected for their relevance and reliability.  The editorial team listed the schools accredited by the Commission des titres d'ingénieur (CTI) and divided them into two groups. Schools recruiting mainly through competitive examinations for students in preparatory classes for the grandes écoles compete in the „post-prep ranking” (see: Those accessible just after the baccalaureate are assigned to „post-bac” ranking (see:

The ranking indicators fall into three main categories: academic excellence, internationalization, and employability.

Indicators of Academic Excellence

  • (Post-prep) Selectivity in the MP, PC, PSI, PT, and BCPST competitions, measured by the average rank of admitted students relative to the total number of candidates.
  • (Post-prep) Student-to-faculty supervision ratio, based on the number of teacher-researchers affiliated with the school who contribute to the engineering program, compared to the total number of engineering students.
  • (Post-prep) Academic success, calculated as the cumulative student success rate across the three years of the engineering program.
  • (Post-prep) Estimated percentage of engineering graduates pursuing doctoral studies, based on responses to the school’s integration questionnaire.
  • (Post-bac) Percentage of applicants for engineering programs at the school through Parcoursup in 2023 who were not admitted.
  • (Post-bac) Average baccalaureate score of entrants, estimated based on their honors levels.
  • (Post-bac) Number of doctoral students supervised by the school’s researchers in 2023.


Indicators of Internationalization

  • Percentage of international students among the most recent class of engineering graduates with student status.
  • Percentage of graduates with student status from the last class who secured a job abroad, based on responses to the school’s integration questionnaire.
  • Percentage of graduates with student status from the last class who completed an internship abroad.
  • (Post-prep) Geographical diversity of origin among students admitted to engineering programs.
  • (Post-prep) International reputation of the school or its parent institution, as evidenced by its presence in major global rankings.
  • (Post-bac) Percentage of the latest graduating class with student status who earned a second degree from a foreign institution.


Indicators of Employability (Professional Success)

  • Percentage of recent graduates who found a job within two months, based on responses to the school’s integration questionnaire.
  • Median gross annual salary (excluding bonuses, thesis-based employment, and VIE) in France for the latest graduating class, based on the school’s integration questionnaire.
  • Number of alumni listed on the school’s LinkedIn page one month before the rankings publication.
  • (Post-prep) Number of alumni serving on the executive committees of CAC40 companies.
  • (Post-prep) Number of alumni who founded a French Tech Next 120 start-up.
  • (Post-bac) Number of engineers graduating within the past three years who have founded a company.

Additional information

  • Main target groups: higher education institutions, students and parents
  • Level of comparison: institutional: 87 (post-prep ranking), 92 (post-bac ranking)
  • Major dimensions covered: employability, internationalization, research, teaching
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