Name of the ranking (in English) | Washington Monthly’s Rankings |
Name of the ranking (in original) | Washington Monthly’s Rankings |
Scope of the ranking | general ranking |
Website of the ranking | |
First year of publication | 2005 |
Most recent year of publication | 2024 |
Date of last update | 2025-01-12 |
Publication frequency | annual |
Ranking organization | Washington Monthly |
Methodology website | |
Methodology | The Washington Monthly’s Rankings publish four ranking list of four-year schools based on their contribution to the public good in three broad categories: social mobility, research, and providing opportunities for public service:
All four rankings consist of three equally weighted portions: social mobility, research, and community and national service. This means that top-ranked colleges need to be excellent across the full breadth of measures, rather than excelling in just one measure. In order to ensure that each measurement contributes equally to a college’s score within any given category, each data element is standardized so that each has a mean of zero and a standard deviation of one (unless noted). There are the following indicators in each of the three area (each area makes its 100% of the score): SOCIAL MOBILITY
For national universities, each of these components was weighted equally to determine a college’s final score in the category. For liberal arts colleges, master’s universities, and bachelor’s colleges, which do not have extensive doctoral programs, science and engineering PhDs were excluded and double weight was given to the number of alumni who go on to get PhDs. Faculty awards and National Academies membership were not included in the research score for these institutions because such data is available for only a relative handful of these colleges. COMMUNITY AND NATIONAL SERVICE For each measure in this area universities were given points. The community service score was determined by measuring each college’s performance across the following measures:
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