General information on ranking

Name of the ranking (in English) Rzeczpospolita Ranking of Law Faculties
Name of the ranking (in original) Ranking Wydziałów Prawa Rzeczpospolitej
Scope of the ranking general ranking
Website of the ranking
First year of publication 2012
Most recent year of publication 2021
Date of last update 2023-05-08
Publication frequency annual
Ranking organization Rzeczpospolita
Methodology website

The ranking includes universities: 1. with reported students for the winter semester of the 2020/2021 academic year in the field of law at the uniform master’s level (status of the POL-on database on May 12, 2021) and 2. with graduates in 2019 and 2020 cohorts.

In 2021, a maximum of 30 points could be obtained by a university. The Ranking considered indicators grouped in the following three areas:


  • Parametric evaluation (max 2 points): A+ Category – 2 points, A Category – 1.5 points, B Category – 1 point, C Category – 0.5 point.
  • The number of PhD degrees in law granted to the academic staff of the faculty in 2020 (0.75 point)
  • The number of habilitation degrees granted to the academic staff of the faculty in 2020 (1.25 points)
  • The number of academic staff per student (considering only acadmic staff with PhD or habilitation degree in law) (1 point)
  • Right to confer habilitation degree (max 2 points)
  • Right to confer PhD degree (max 1 point)
  • Number of PhD students (max 2 points)
  • Number of doctoral school participants (max 1 point) 



  • Eligibility for application (max 5 points)
  • The number of candidates (full-time studies) per one place (max 3 points)
  • The number of Olympians admitted (max 1 point)
  • Internships – number of students per one internship tutor (max 2 points)
  • Alumni’s economic situation – the criterion measured by the indicator of the earnings level of graduates of university (max 2 points) and the indicators of their employment (2 points) – following the nationwide survey “Alumni’s Economic Situation” conducted by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education with the use of ZUS (Social Insurance Company) data. 



  • The percentage of foreign students in relation to the total number of students (max 3 points)
  • Programs conducted in English (1 point)

Additional information

  • Main target groups: students and parents, higher education institutions
  • Level of comparison: institutional (faculties of law): 36 (two separate lists for public universities and for private universities)
  • Major dimensions covered: teaching, employability, internationalization, research
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