General information on ranking

Name of the ranking (in English) Perspektywy University Ranking
Name of the ranking (in original) Ranking Szkół Wyższych Perspektywy
Scope of the ranking general ranking
Name of person in charge of ranking Waldemar Siwiński
Website of the ranking
First year of publication 2000
Most recent year of publication 2022
Date of last update 2023-05-08
Publication frequency annual
Ranking organization Perspektywy Education Foundation
Methodology website

There are three separate rankings within Perspektywy University Ranking: Academic HEIs Ranking, Private Universities Ranking and State Higher Vocational Schools Ranking, each with a different methodology. The Ranking of HEIs presents institutions with a right to confer at least one doctoral degree and with minimum 200 enrolled full-time students. It considers the following indicators:


  • Academic reputation (teaching) – (10%) A number of indications based on the survey conducted among academic staff. The research was conducted by Perspektywy Education Foundation in May 2021 in the CAWI method and institutions were split into three groups (academic universities, private universities and state higher vocational schools). 2317 respondents took part in the survey, the results of the last year survey were also taken into account.
  • International recognition – (2%) Measured by an institution’s position in international rankings in 2020. The following rankings were taken into account: ARWU, THE, QS, US News, Leiden, MosIUR, FT and Webometrics. 



  • Employability – (12%) It reflects the position of graduates on the labor market - according to the nationwide study of the “Alumni’s Economic Situation” carried out by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education with the use of ZUS (Social Insurance Company) data. It is measured by the indicator of the earnings level of graduates in relation to earnings in the county of residence and the indicator of their employment – in relation to unemployment rate in the country of residence. 



  • Patents and protection rights in Poland – (5%) Number of patents and protection rights granted in Poland in the years 2017-2020 in relation to the number of academic staff – full-time employees at university assigned to scientific disciplines in the fields of “patentability” – that is: engineering and technical sciences, agricultural sciences, agricultural and natural sciences, medical and health sciences, and some social sciences.
  • Foreign patents and protection rights – (3%) Number of granted foreign patents and protection rights (utility models) in the years 2017-2020 in relation to the number of academic staff – full-time employees at university assigned to scientific disciplines in the fields of “patentability” – that is: engineering and technical sciences, agricultural sciences, agricultural and natural sciences, medical and health sciences. 



  • Parametric evaluation – (10%) The indicator reflects the sum of research capacity rating of university units during the last evaluation carried out by KEJN (calculated in the same way as Yi indicator in the dotations agorithm).
  • Academic staff with highest qualifications – (3%) Defined as the ratio of the number of researchers and research and didactic staff to the total number of teaching staff employed at university.
  • Right to confer habilitation degree – (1%) Measured by the sum of rights to confer PhD with habilitation degrees. Rights to confer PhD degrees – (1%) Measured by the sum of rights to award PhD degrees. 



  • External funding for research – (6%) Measured by the ratio of the total funding obtained for research from outside in 2020 to the total number of researchers and research and didactic staff.
  • Faculty development – (4%) Measured by the ratio of academic titles and degrees obtained by university employed staff in 2019 and 2020 (PhD with habilitation weighted 1.5 and full professors weighted 2.0) in relation to the total number of academic staff (i.e professors, PhDs with habilitation and PhDs).
  • Academic titles awarded – (3%) Measured by the number of academic titles and degrees awarded by university in 2019 and 2020 (PhDs weighted 1,0; PhDs with habilitation weighted 1.5 and professors weighted 2.0) in relation to the total number of full-time academic staff i.e professors, PhDs with habilitation and PhDs, Publications.
  • Citatations – (3%) Measured by the number of citations in the years 2016-2020 (SCOPUS database), in relation to the number of the cited publications. Self-citations are not included.
  • Publications – (3%) Measured by the ratio of the number of publications in the SCOPUS database covering years 2016-2020 to the total number of full-time researchers and research and didactic staff, taking into account the relevance of journal of publication.
  • FWCI (Field-Weighted Citation Impact) – (3%) Measured by the ratio of citations of the publication to the average number of citations obtained by similar publications indexed in the SCOPUS database for the years 2016-20. 
  • FWVI (Fields-Weighted View Impact) – (3%) Measured by the ratio of pageviews of the publications on a website to the average pageviews of similar publications indexed in SCOPUS database in 2016-2020. 
  • Top 10 (Publications in Top 10 Journal Percentiles) – (3%) The index is calculated by the ratio of publications in magazines with the highest CiteScore coefficient to all university publications in 2016-2020. 



  • Teaching staff – (5%) The number of academic teaching full-time staff (PhDs weighted 1.0; PhDs with habilitation weighted 1.5 and professors weighted 2.0) to the total number of students (full-time students weighted 1.0 and external students weighted 0.6).
  • Accreditations – (5%) Measured by the number of valid international accreditations and certificates, valid accreditations with distinction granted until by the Polish Accreditation Committee (PKA). 



  • Programs in foreign languages – (3%) Number of programs conducted in foreign languages in the academic year 2020/2021.
  • Students studying in foreign language – (3%) The ratio of students studying in a foreign language in the academic year 2020/2021 to the total number of students.
  • Foreign students – (3%) The ratio of foreign students to the total number of students.
  • ICI (Collaboration Impact) – (2%) The number of citations in publications with a foreign co-author in 2016-2020.
  • Foreign teaching staff – (1%) The ratio of international staff to the total number of full-time teaching staff.
  • Students exchange (outbound) – (1%) The ratio of students going abroad on an exchange program for at least three months, in the last year reported to POL-on, to the total number of students. 
  • Students exchange (inbound) – (1%) The ratio of students coming to the academic institutions as part of a foreign exchange program for at least three months, in the last year reported to POL-on, to the total number of students.
  • Multicultural composition of student body – (1%) Number of countries represented by at least 10 foreign students in the academic year 2020/21. 


The methodology for Private Universities Ranking:

The methodology for State Higher Vocational Schools Ranking:


Additional information

  • Main target groups: students and parents, higher education institutions
  • Level of comparison: institutional: 96
  • Major dimensions covered: employability, innovation, internationalization, reputation, research, teaching
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