General information on ranking

Name of the ranking (in English) Reforma University Ranking
Name of the ranking (in original) Reforma Las Mejores Universidades
Scope of the ranking ranking by subject
Name of person in charge of ranking Ana Gabriela Rezc
Website of the ranking
First year of publication 2001
Most recent year of publication 2023
Date of last update 2023-05-06
Publication frequency annual
Ranking organization Reforma Diario
Methodology website; (external source, it is not a ranking website)

Reforma University Ranking 2023 evaluated 17 subjects through a survey of 723 employers from public and private companies. The companies were selected through a random sample of the National Statistical Directory of Economic Units (DENUE) of the 20 orders established by the Inegi.

The Reforma ranking includes the results of 41 higher education institutions located in the Metropolitan Area of Mexico City, and which belong to the statistical yearbook of the National Association of Universities and Higher Education Institutions (ANUIES).

The selection is made considering that the universities must have a minimum of 40 students enrolled per program, and they must have at least 2 cohorts of graduates per program. Those bachelor degree programs that meet the requirements are evaluated through the survey carried out among employers. They evaluate programs with regards to four major indicators:

  • preparation and knowledge (40%),
  • ability to solve problems (20%),
  • leadership and teamwork (20%),
  • values and professional ethics (20%). 

The survey measures opinion with an ordinal scale from 0 to 10. All published scores are normalized to 100% with reference to the value of 100 points assigned to the university with the best performance in each subject. The ranking focuses on subjects oriented towards industry and the private sector, without considering subjetcs related to the humanities, arts, social sciences, social work, etc. This emphasis made by the ranking strongly influences the scarce presence of public universities. 

The following subjects are considered for the ranking: administration, architecture, communications/journalism, accounting, law, graphic design, economics, finance, gastronomy, electronic engineering, systems engineering, industrial engineering, mechatronics, chemical engineering, medicine, marketing and psychology.

Additional information

  • Main target groups: students and parents, higher education institutions
  • Level of comparison: institutional: 41, subjects: 17
  • Major dimensions covered: reputation, teaching
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