General information on ranking

Name of the ranking (in English) AméricaEconomía Ranking of the Best Universities of Mexico
Name of the ranking (in original) AméricaEconomía Ránking de las Mejores Universidades de Mexico
Scope of the ranking general ranking
Name of person in charge of ranking Ándres Musalem
Website of the ranking
First year of publication 2012
Most recent year of publication 2020
Date of last update 2024-10-26
Publication frequency annual
Ranking organization AméricaEconomía
Methodology website


Evaluates the teaching staff according to the gross number of teachers according to academic day (10%), and the ratio of these to the number of students enrolled in Bachelor’s degrees (10%); the distribution of the total teaching staff (25%) considering the following variables: full time, three quarters, part time, etc. It also evaluates the qualifications of the teaching staff (55%), according to whether they are: PhDs, masters, technicians, etc.


It is evaluated according to online surveys applied to the reader base of the newspaper El Economista and AméricaEconomía during January-February 2020.


It measures the number of patents (30%) based on the ratio of patents applied for, patents granted and a “Success Rate”; the absolute annual production of paper ISI (15%), the annual productivity of paper ISI for each SNI researcher (30%), and the quality of the researchers according to their level reached, according to the SNI-CONACYT category (25%). 


It considers two axes: performance in various international university rankings, complemented by a perception indicator based on the aforementioned survey, according to its questions on globalization and Latin American prestige (60%). The second axis (40%) corresponds to the information reported by the universities regarding double degree agreements, exchange of professors with foreign universities, exchange of students with foreign universities and the ratio between the amounts allocated for students who wish to do an exchange and the number of students who benefited.


It measures the gross number (40%) of undergraduate academic programs that are accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Higher Education/Consejo para la Acreditación de la Educación Superior (COPAES) and the proportion of these (60%) in relation to the total of undergraduate programs offered.


The Diversity axis takes the ratio of women, indigenous, Afro-Mexican students and those with some type of disability to the total number of undergraduate, specialization, master’s and doctoral students (25%), the gender parity between professors and senior administrative positions (25%). The Inclusion axis considers the relationship between the amount allocated for scholarships and the number of benefited students (15%), the implementation of some of their own aid programs for indigenous students (10%), the implementation of some of their own financing system for the costs total studies (5%), and facilities in terms of infrastructure and materials for blind people (10%) and for people with physical disabilities or reduced mobility (10%).


It considers the classification, for master’s degrees and doctorates, of the National Quality Postgraduate Program (PNPC) of CONACYT (80%), according to whether they are: of international competition, in development, consolidated and recently created. The remaining 20% evaluates all postgraduate programs, both doctoral and master’s degrees, and regardless of whether they are accredited or not.

Additional information

  • Main target groups: students and parents, higher education institutions, policy makers, governments and funding agencies
  • Level of comparison: institutional: 50
  • Major dimensions covered: internationalization, reputation, research, teaching
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