General information on ranking

Name of the ranking (in English) India’s Best Colleges
Name of the ranking (in original) India’s Best Colleges
Scope of the ranking ranking by subject
Website of the ranking
First year of publication 1997
Most recent year of publication 2024
Date of last update 2024-11-03
Publication frequency annual
Ranking organization India Today
Methodology website (for universities); (for colleges);

Presenting the results of the India Today-MDRA 2024 Best College and Best Universities Surveys, India's definitive guides to higher education in the country. With over 2,000 colleges ranked over 14 streams and over 200 universities across five categories, this is your gateway to academic success.

Right from the student selection process to the cost of education and accreditations enjoyed by the university, students get a bird’s eye view to take an informed decision about which institution in India they are best suited for. This ranking serves as a guide for students, parents, and educators when comparing the quality and reputation of various colleges across India.

For 2024 College Rankings, see:


For 2024 Universities Rankings, see:


The methodology incorporates multiple criteria, including academic reputation, infrastructure, quality of faculty, student intake, and placement opportunities. Colleges/universities are rated through extensive surveys, both in terms of objective data from institutions and perceptual scores gathered from academic and industry experts.

Methodology for colleges:

  • IQG (Intake Quality and Governance): Student selection process, cost of education, national and international accreditations.
  • ACE (Academic Excellence): Faculty, research and innovation, alumni network and contributions, etc.
  • ILE (Infrastructure and Living Experience): Infrastructure (laboratory facilities, library, sports, canteen, hostel, auditorium, etc.) for students and faculty.
  • PLD (Personality and Leadership Development): Personality and leadership skills development activities such as industry interaction, live projects, cultural fests, guest lectures, etc.
  • PCP (Placement and Career Progression): Salaries offered in placements, quantity and quality of recruiters, international placements, etc.
  • OB (Objective Score): Total score of the five parameters mentioned above, based on objective data collected from the college and validated by Marketing & Development Research Associates (MDRA).
  • PS (Perceptual Score): Based on surveys conducted among stakeholders (faculty, students, and recruiters).


Methodology for universities:

  • REG (Reputation and Governance): Student selection process, student and faculty diversity, university legacy and image, cost of education, national and international accreditations, proper allocation of the budet or availabilty of the funds, etc.
  • ARE (Academic and Research Excellence): Faculty quality, pedagogy, quality and quantity of research (research papers, books published by faculty etc.), quality of research and consultancy projects undertaken, curricular design and development, alumni network and contributions, practical exposure and learning, etc.
  • ILE (Infrastructure and Living Experience): Infrastructure (laboratory facilities, library, sports, canteen, hostel, auditorium, etc.) for students and faculty.
  • PLD (Personality and Leadership Development): Activities taken for leadership skills development (such as seminars, cultural fests, guest lectures, co-curricular activiteis, etc.) modern practice of teaching, etc.
  • CPP (Career Progression and Placement): Placement, career development opportunities, selection in higher education courses/competitive examinations, salaries offered in placements, quantity and quality of recruiters, etc.
  • OB (Objective Score): Total score of the five parameters mentioned above, based on objective data collected from the college and validated by Marketing & Development Research Associates (MDRA).
  • PS (Perceptual Score): Based on surveys conducted among stakeholders (faculty, students, and recruiters).


The rankings are typically published in collaboration with a research agency, such as Marketing & Development Research Associates (MDRA) or previously with Nielsen, to ensure a standardized and rigorous assessment process.

Additional information

  • Main target groups: students and parents, higher education institutions
  • Level of comparison: institutional: over 2,000 colleges and over 200 universities
  • Major dimensions covered: teaching, student satisfaction
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