Name of the ranking (in English) | UnivPress Ranking |
Name of the ranking (in original) | UnivPress Ranking (until 2006 it was published as Felvi Ranking) |
Scope of the ranking | general ranking, ranking by subject |
Name of person in charge of ranking | Gyorgy Fabri |
Website of the ranking | |
First year of publication | 2002 |
Most recent year of publication | 2021 |
Date of last update | 2023-05-07 |
Publication frequency | annual |
Ranking organization | TudásTárs kft |
Methodology website | |
Methodology | The UnivPress Ranking is a data-based ranking. It is of all faculties and institutions, based on the national educational databases, based on teaching and student indicators, independent of field of study, and their aggregation. Each sub-ranking is calculated by a simple comparison of the numerical values of the indicators, ranking the values in order, irrespective of the degree of difference between the scores. Indicators:
UnivPress publishes also subject rankings:
There are also special rankings published which are focused on the admission performance. They are prepared in five areas. For more information, see:
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