General information on ranking

Name of the ranking (in English) L’Etudiant University Rankings
Name of the ranking (in original) L’Etudiant Palmares
Scope of the ranking general ranking, rankings by subject
Website of the ranking
First year of publication 1998
Most recent year of publication 2023
Date of last update 2023-05-06
Publication frequency annual
Ranking organization L’Etudiant
Methodology website each ranking has a separate methodology - for the details, see "methodology" box

L’Etudiant publishes around fifteen rankings each year. They are a point of reference to locate the lines of force of the formations. L’Etudiant rankings consider colleges, high schools, BTS, DUT, prepas, business schools, engineering schools, art schools, masters, student cities. For the purpose of this Inventory the following ones should be mentioned as they consider HEIs:

  • Ranking of Engineering Schools



  • Ranking of Top Business Schools 



  • Ranking of Master’s degree success by university and by discipline

For more details, see:

  • Ranking of Bachelor's degree success by university 

For more details, see:

Each ranking has its separate methodology. Ranking of Engineering Schools includes around fifty ranking indicators and around twenty other non-ranking ones. Ranking of Top Business Schools includes around a hundred ranking and non-ranking indicators. Non-ranking indicators are displayed simply for information purposes, they are therefore not taken into account in the general ranking. Although the methodologies for both rankings and the numbers of indicators differ, both rankings consider indicators grouped in a few similar areas:

  • Academic excellence/recognition
  • Proximity to businesses
  • Internationalization
  • Employment
  • Opportunities
  • Commitment to social and environmental responsibility
  • Learning environment 


Ranking of Top Business Schools additionally considers satisfaction of graduates (including e.g. general satisfaction, satisfaction with supervision, satisfaction with premises, satisfaction with the alumni network, satisfaction with community life, satisfaction with preparation for professional life, etc.).

In addition to viewing the overall ranking, users can compare up to three schools with each other by checking the corresponding boxes. It is then up to them to compare the data from the three schools for each criterion. A user can also create his/her own ranking by picking from around forty indicators. For each of them, the schools are ranked in five descending groups (from 5 to 1), according to their relative value. Colors make it possible to better visually locate the establishments (dark green for 5 and 4 points, light green for 3 and 2 points, yellow for 1 point).

The methodology of MASTER Ranking (Ranking of Master’s degree success by university and by discipline) is very simple, it takes into account the students who have passed their master’s degree in two years, without having repeated a year.

Additional information

  • Main target groups: students and parents, higher education institutions
  • Level of comparison: institutional: between 37 and 169 (depending on the ranking)
  • Major dimensions covered: employability, internationalization, research, reputation, social engagement, teaching
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