General information on ranking

Name of the ranking (in English) DAUR Rankings
Name of the ranking (in original) DAUR Classement
Scope of the ranking specific program ranking
Name of person in charge of ranking Pierre Quiros
Website of the ranking
First year of publication 2019
Most recent year of publication 2022
Date of last update 2023-05-09
Publication frequency annual
Ranking organization Data Analysis for University Rankings
Methodology website

DAUR Rankings are published within the framework of Data Analysis for University Rankings which is a comparative guidance platform for higher education. It is established entirely on the basis of quantitative criteria for which the data comes from secondary sources (they are not communicated by the institutions themselves). DAUR includes different classifications (depending on the publication year) prepared according to the same methodology. In 2019 one ranking was prepared – French Graduate Schools of Engineering Ranking which has been published until now. In 2020 MBA Ranking of French HEI was additionally published and European Business Schools Ranking. In 2021, for the first time in France, DAUR analyzed diplomas rather than schools to propose a ranking of 361 diplomas – from 174 engineering schools and 37 business schools – according to 16 sectors. In 2022 the second edition of this ranking was published.

In 2022 three rankings were published:

  • French Graduate Schools of Engineering Ranking

  • French Business Schools Ranking

  • French Masters Ranking

Five criteria harmonized according to the sectors of output and the size of the institution are considered in the methodology:


This criterion shows the average level of the school in the selection of its students, in proportion to these different access paths (post-prep, post-bac). It is based on the access path on the average for the French baccalaureate or the average rank for national competitive exams.


This criterion shows the value of the diploma for companies in the sectors targeted by the school. It is based on the median salary of young graduates treated according to the output sectors. 


This criterion shows the interest in research of students when they leave school. It is based on the proportion of young graduates continuing their thesis studies treated according to exit sectors.


This criterion shows the interest developed in the school by foreign companies, universities and students. Five rates are used to calculate this criterion, which makes it possible to avoid valuing a particular school policy (tour on foreign recruitment, double diplomas or other) and to avoid valuing a school by its size. The criterion results from the average of five rates:

  • proportion of students recruited on foreign courses,
  • proportion of students entering the school with a foreign double degree,
  • proportion of students obtaining a foreign double degree while attending the school, 
  • proportion of graduates with a foreign nationality,
  • proportion of graduates who took up employment abroad. 



This criterion shows the stability of the school through the academic or professional success of its former students. For each of the CAC40 CEOs since 2000, the diplomas are raised and confer a point to each school. For each of the members of the CAC40 management committees (as of February 2020), the diplomas are raised and give one point to each school (thus the CEO is counted twice).

Additional information

  • Main target groups: students and parents, higher education institutions
  • Level of comparison: institutional: between 37 and 386 (depending on the ranking)
  • Major dimensions covered: employability, internationalization, research
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