General information on ranking

Name of the ranking (in English) U-Sapiens Ranking
Name of the ranking (in original) U-Sapiens Ranking
Scope of the ranking general ranking
Name of person in charge of ranking Carlos Roberto Peña Barrera
Website of the ranking
First year of publication 2011
Most recent year of publication 2024
Date of last update 2024-10-20
Publication frequency biannual
Ranking organization Sapiens Research Group
Methodology website

The U-Sapiens Ranking is the classification of the best Colombian HEIs according to research indicators. These indicators are:

  • Indexed journals (RevI): total number of journals indexed and categorized in A1, A2, B and C by the National Bibliographic Index.
  • Postgraduate (PosG): total number of active programs that can receive new students for master’s degrees (or equivalent) (M) and doctorates (D) according to the Ministry of National Education-SNIES.
  • Research groups (GruP): total number of research groups categorized as A1, A, B and C by MinCiencias. 


U-Sapiens Ranking is the oldest ranking published by Sapiens, it has been published twice a year since 2011. Apart from it, there a few more classifications published by Sapiens:


The ART-Sapiens Ranking is the classification of the best Colombian universities according to the production of scientific articles. It has been published every year since 2016, and the variables that are analyzed are the following: articles published in Colombian magazines (Col), in foreign magazines (Ext), written in Spanish (Esp), in English (Ing), and the number of countries where these articles were published (Div). In the 2024 edition, 362 HEIs were considered and only 224 were classified.  




The DTI-Sapiens Ranking is the classification of the best Colombian universities according to indicators of technological development and innovation. It has been published every two years since 2017, and there are five indicators considered: Certified or validated technological products (TEC), Business Products (EMP) , Regulations, Standards and Technical Regulations (RNL), Scientific and technological consultancies (CON), Copyrighted Works (MR). In the 2023 edition 363 HEIs were considered and only 257 were classified.




The GNC-Sapiens Ranking is the classification of the best Colombian universities according to indicators of generation of new knowledge. It has been published every two years since 2019, and five indicators are considered: Research result books (LIB), Research result book chapters (CAP), Patented technological products or products in the process of applying for a patent (PAT), Plant variety and new animal breed (VVR) and Creative works of art, architecture and desing (AAD). In the 2023 edition 363 HEIs were considered and only 236 were classified. 




The ASC-Sapiens Ranking is the classification of the best Colombian universities according to indicators of social appropriation of knowledge. It was published every two years from 2016 to 2022. The ranking considers four indicators: Processes of social appropriation of knowledge (PASC), Circulation of specialized knowledge (CCE), Public Disclosure of STI (DP), and Bibliographic production (PBB). In the last edition (in 2022) 361 HEIs were considered and only 278 were classified. 




The FRH-Sapiens Ranking is the classification of the best Colombian universities according to human resources training indicators in STI. In 2023 the first edition of the ranking was published, with 362 HEIs considered and only 278 finally classified. The ranking considers four indicators: Design and development of STI outreach projects and programs or outreach projects and programs with social responsibility components (PERS), Support for doctoral, master's and clinical-research specialty programs and/or courses (AP), (co)direction or (co)tutoring of a thesis or degree work to obtain a doctorate, master's or undergraduate degree (T(dmp)), and Research projects with training of new researchers through the transfer of knowledge and the performance of their professional work in non-academic sectors (PI(dci)).



Additional information

  • Main target groups: higher education institutions, policy makers, governments and funding agencies
  • Level of comparison: institutional: 71
  • Major dimensions covered: innovation, knowledge transfer, research
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