General information on ranking

Name of the ranking (in English) La Tercera-Qué Pasa University Ranking
Name of the ranking (in original) La Tercera-Qué Pasa Ranking de Universidades (it used to be Qué Pasa University Ranking before)
Scope of the ranking general ranking, ranking by subject
Website of the ranking
First year of publication 2000
Most recent year of publication 2021
Date of last update 2023-05-05
Publication frequency annual
Ranking organization La Tercera
Methodology website

The aim of La Tercera-Qué Pasa University Ranking is to provide information that helps young people and their families to make an informed decision about their studies. The ranking considers indicators grouped in five dimensions:

Employers’ reputation – 40%

This indicator considers the perception of quality and level of knowledge that employers grant to universities. Executives who directly or indirectly decide on the hiring of future professionals are asked to evaluate the universities.

Management – 15% 

  • Years of validity of institutional accreditation – 50%
  • Number of students (Full Time Equivalent) – 20% (this indicator allows for standardizing the academic load of teachers)
  • Retention rate of the 2nd year students – 15%
  • Overduration of studies (the difference between the formal and real duration of the programs expressed in semesters) – 15% 


Quality of academic staff – 15% 

Percentage of academic staff with a doctorate and percentage of academic staff with a master’s degree and medical specialties. 

Quality of students – 15%

Students’ grades:

  • NEM average (30%) – the average of the High School grades of all the students enrolled in the first year.
  • PDT average (70%) – the average of the scores obtained in the Reading Comprehension tests and Mathematics of all students enrolled in the first year. 


Research quality – 15% 

  • Number of publications indexed in the Scopus database – 50%
  • Normalized impact – 25%
  • Percentage of publications in journals in Q1 – 25% 


Rankings by subject consider TOP10 universities in each out of nine subjects: Architecture, Law, Industrial Civil Engineering, Commercial Engineering, Medicine, Odontology, Journalism, Psychology, Nursing. The data for the universities which go beyond TOP10 are published under the TOP10 list for a particular subject.

Additional information

  • Main target groups: students and parents, higher education institutions
  • Level of comparison: institutional: 43 (general ranking), subjects: 9 (in each subject TOP10 universities are listed)
  • Major dimensions covered: reputation, research, teaching
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