Name of the ranking (in English) | RAI-MINAM Environmental Sustainability Ranking |
Name of the ranking (in original) | Ranking de Sostenibilidad Ambiental del RAI-MINAM |
Scope of the ranking | institutional ranking with an emphasis on environmental sustainability |
Website of the ranking | |
First year of publication | 2021 |
Most recent year of publication | 2024 |
Date of last update | 2025-01-12 |
Publication frequency | annual |
Ranking organization | Red Ambiental Interuniversitaria (RAI)/ Interuniversity Environmental Network (RAI) |
Methodology website | |
Methodology | The methodology of the RAI-MINAM Environmental Sustainability Ranking considers a “Matrix of Indicators for the Incorporation of the Environmental Dimension in Universities” approved by the group of universities that comprise the RAI Network. This matrix serves as a guide to institutionalize university environmental commitment and evaluate the contributions of universities to national environmental management and sustainable development in the environmental component. It includes indicators grouped in five areas: GOVERNMENT – 10% In the Government category, it seeks to know the degree of institutionalization of environmental sustainability in the university, reflected in the existence of mechanisms and instruments of university environmental policy.
ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT – 35% In the Environmental Management category, it seeks to find out if the university implements concrete actions to reduce its environmental impact in accordance with its environmental commitment and institutional environmental policy.
EDUCATION – 20% In the Education category, it seeks to find out if the university stimulates concern and action for environmental sustainability in the training of its students.
RESEARCH – 20% In the Research category, it seeks to find out if the university promotes the generation of environmental knowledge through research practice
SOCIAL PROJECTION – 15% In the Social Projection category, it seeks to find out if the university carries out social projection actions to contribute to the solution of environmental problems and the construction of an environmental civic culture.
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