General information on ranking

Name of the ranking (in English) Entrepreneurial Universities Ranking (last edition in 2021)
Name of the ranking (in original) Ranking de Universidades Empreendedoras
Scope of the ranking institutional ranking with an emphasis on entrepreneurship and innovation
Name of person in charge of ranking Rafael Morandi Piccoli Rocha
Website of the ranking
First year of publication 2016
Most recent year of publication 2021
Date of last update 2024-10-20
Publication frequency every two years
Ranking organization Brasil Júnior
Methodology website
  1. ENTREPRENEURIAL CULTURE DIMENSION 1.1. Students’ entrepreneurial posture: this indicator is extracted by three groups of questions (included in the Ranking Students Survey), about the evaluation of the entrepreneurial characteristics present in the students of the institution, the perception of entrepreneurial attitude of students and participation in the growth of some project of the HEI. 1.2. Teacher’s entrepreneurial posture: this indicator is extracted through questions about the evaluation of the entrepreneurial characteristics present in the HEI’s teachers, the perception regarding the teachers’ entrepreneurial posture and the teachers’ experience in the labor market. 1.3 Evaluation of the curricular matrix: this indicator is extracted by three group of questions, being about the contribution of the university’s teaching methodology to the development of entrepreneurial competencies, the contribution of the course’s curricular matrix to the development of entrepreneurial competencies, the flexibility in the curricular matrix for engaging in extracurricular activities (highly evaluated by the students as important in the development of these competencies). 1.4 Entrepreneurial posture remote adaptation: this indicator is extracted through questions about the characteristics present in emergency remote teaching at the university: the adaptation of professors to teaching, the difficulty and methods of assessment, the level of learning and discipline of students, and the support of the university in the transition to remote teaching.
  2. EXTENSION DIMENSION 2.1 Network: this indicator shows how student organizations with national representation – AIESEC, Brasil Júnior and Enactus – are seen. Considering the growing number of junior enterprises in HEIs, they account for 80% of the score, while the existence of AIESEC and Enactus offices account for 10% each. 2.2 Extension actions: this indicator reveals data regarding the number of extension actions registered at the university, which were self-declared by the universities. These numbers of extension projects are divided by the number of students in the institution. 2.3. Altimetry: this indicator considers the impact of scientific productions in online environments including a diverse set of information, such as citations, mentions, shares and likes in social media, etc.
  3. INNOVATION DIMENSION 3.1 Research: this indicator is measured by means of two models, being the results of the number of citations per article and volume of production for each 1000 students at the university. The result obtained from the indicator is calculated by the average of these two sub-indicators, which have the same weight, normalized from 0 to 10, 10 being the HEI with the highest value. 3.2 Patents: this indicator reveals the number of patents that were filed by the HEI in a 10-year period. 3.3. HEIs-company proximity: this indicator is measured by means of three models, being the TICs results, STIs situation and incubated companies. 3.4 Incubated companies: this indicator is evaluated based on the number of incubated companies for each 1000 students at the university. 3.5 Status of the TICs: this indicator analyzes the status of implementation of the Technological Innovation Center (TIC) at the HEI, assigning 10 for the TICs that declare the existence of the STI and 5 for those that are in the process of implementation. 3.6 Results of the STI: this indicator measures innovation within universities, which considers the results of the Scientific and Technological Institutions (STIs), which are the organs or entities of the public or private administration that also have as their institutional purpose, the execution of activities related to basic or applied research, being of a scientific or technological nature. For the evaluation of this index, only the STIs inserted in a university or that have a partnership with a university were considered, whose information was self-declared by the universities. The indicator comprises the number of partnership agreements for each 1000 students, and receives a multiplier factor that is proportional to the total value of the agreements (in R$).
  4. INTERNATIONALIZATION DIMENSION: 4.1 Exchange: the number of international exchange conducted by the university, covering both the outgoing and incoming students divided by the number of students. 4.2 Partnerships with International Universities: this indicator measures the offer of exchange and integration through research with other universities. The number of international partnerships for every 1000 students was collected by the EUR ambassadors. 4.3 International Research: this indicator considers the number of articles in international partnership in relation to the number of production of the university.
  5. INFRASTRUCTURE DIMENSION: 5.1. Quality: this indicator is calculated based on the evaluation of the perception of students through the lens of the physical infrastructure and also the availability/speed of the internet at their institution. 5.2. Technological Park: this indicator is composed of the sum of the indicators Installation of a Technological Park in the city of the HEI and Existence of a partnership, association or agreement between the university and the city’s Technological Park. 5.3. Quality of Remote Infrastructure: this indicator is calculated through questions about the quality of services offered during remote learning: the provision of equipment (devices) and internet for students and teachers to participate in the remote model, and availability of psychological support for students.
  6. FINANCIAL CAPITAL DIMENSION: 6.1 Budget: this indicator considers the HEI’s budget, the budget data of the educational institutions were self-declared by the universities. The global value was divided by the number of students. 6.2. Equity Funds (Endowment): this indicator measures the equity fund of the universities, with endowments being constituents of an equity fund maintained by the civil society that aims to help the institutions to maintain themselves. Such stimulus is seen positively, especially for universities that have financial difficulties, this being a way to diversify revenue.

Additional information

  • Main target groups: students and parents, higher education institutions, employers, policy makers, governments and funding agencies
  • Level of comparison: institutional: 126
  • Major dimensions covered: innovation, internationalization, research, social engagement, other: infrastructure and capital, entrepreneurial culture (referring to teaching)
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