General information on ranking

Name of the ranking (in English) Good Universities Guide
Name of the ranking (in original) Good Universities Guide
Scope of the ranking general ranking, ranking by subject
Website of the ranking
First year of publication 2001
Most recent year of publication 2022
Date of last update 2023-05-05
Publication frequency annual
Ranking organization Good Education Media
Methodology website

Good Universities Guide provides a series of insights on Australian universities, helping those in the process of deciding where to study. It provides independent five-star performance ratings for every university in Australia. The ratings can be filtered by study level (undergraduate or postgraduate). Some of them are also available to filter further by field of study. The methodology for the institution rating and field of study specific ranking differs (information has been provided in parentheses). The 13 rating types listed below are grouped under three broad categories: Characteristics, Educational Experience and Graduate Outcomes.


  • Social equity – the proportion of domestic students enrolling at each university from low socioeconomic or disadvantaged backgrounds (this rating is not field of study specific but for the institution as a whole).
  • Student Demand – this rating looks at where high-achieving students choose to study by comparing the proportion of commencing students with high ATAR scores at each university.
  • First Generation – the proportion of domestic students commencing a bachelor degree whose parents’ education is known and did not exceed Year 12.
  • Student – Teacher Ratio – the number of students per teaching staff member (this rating is not field of study specific but for the institution as a whole).
  • Staff Qualification – the proportion of staff who hold a masters or doctoral degree (this rating is not field of study specific but for the institution as a whole). 



  • Learner Engagement – the proportion of students who felt they were engaged with learning at their institution; it is based on the extent to which students felt prepared for study, had a sense of belonging at their institution, particpated in discussions online or face to face, etc.
  • Overall Experience – the proportion of students who were satisfied with the overall quality of their educational experience. 
  • Skills Development – the proportion of students who were satisfied with the skill development they experienced through their studies. 
  • Student Support – the proportion of students who were satisfied with the support they received from their institution; it is based on the extent to which students felt they received suport to settle into study, found administrative staff and services, health services etc. to be available and helpful, etc.
  • Learning Resources – the proportion of students who were satisfied with the learning resources provided by their institution; it is based on students’ average ratings of student spaces and common areas, online learning materials, library facilities, etc.
  • Teaching Quality – the proportion of students who were satisfied with the quality of teaching they experienced; it is based on students’ ratings of their overall educational experience, the quality of teaching they received, and the extent to which they felt lecturers and tutors actively engaged them in and demonstrated concern for learning, inspired them intellectually, etc. 



  • Graduate Salary – the median salary of graduates from different universities.
  • Full-time Employment – the employment rates of graduates from different universities; it looks at the proportion of graduates who were employed full time four months after completing their course.

Additional information

  • Main target groups: students and parents, higher education institutions
  • Level of comparison: institutional: 44, fields of study: 30
  • Major dimensions covered: employability, student satisfaction, teaching
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