General information on ranking

Name of the ranking (in English) Eduniversal Best Masters & MBA Ranking in France
Name of the ranking (in original) Classement Eduniversal des Meilleurs Masters, Mastères Spécialisé et MBA en France
Scope of the ranking business school ranking
Name of person in charge of ranking Marie-Anne Binet
Website of the ranking
First year of publication 2002
Most recent year of publication 2023
Date of last update 2023-05-06
Publication frequency annual
Ranking organization Eduniversal
Methodology website

Eduniversal Rankings evaluates program according to market criteria. With more of a focus on market conditions rather than strict academic criteria, the rankings are based on 3 main areas:

It depends on two main elements: the mark issued by the institution that manages the program, and the influence and recognition of the institution in its sector of activity or in its professional environment. The criterion of reputation is assessed according to two elements:

  • the number of applications from students and the intensity of these applications (degree of motivation),
  • the level of recognition at the exit of recruiters and this, relative to other programs of the same type.

Eduniversal sends a survey to about 1,000 human resources professionals every year. The question they are asked is the following: In each of the following specialties (Banking-Finance, Marketing, Business Law, etc.) what are the 3 courses (university or school) at the Bac +5 / Bac +6 level that you prefer?

The exit salary is assessed using information obtained from schools and universities. When the Eduniversal agency observes too large a discrepancy between the salaries communicated by one program and those indicated by the other formations, it carries out checks and adjusts the salaries for greater consistency. 

All the students making up the outgoing class are interviewed. The score is calculated when at least 20% answer the survey. Weight of questions:

  • Are you generally satisfied with your program?: 25%
  • Would you make the same career choice again today?: 25%
  • other questions (refere to the quality of the educational content, the teaching staff, or international openness of the 
    program, etc.): 50%


Eduniversal conducts an individual online survey which invloves several groups of stakeholders: companies and university deans, higher education institutions and students. A program that does not respond to the survey may still be classified by Eduniversal.

Additional information

  • Main target groups: employers, higher education institutions, students and parents
  • Level of comparison: study programs: 990
  • Major dimensions covered: employability, reputation, teaching, student satisfaction
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