General information on ranking

Name of the ranking Round University Ranking
Geographical scope Global
Name of person in charge of ranking Oleg Solovyev
E-mail of person in charge of ranking
Website of the ranking
Publication frequency annual
First year of publication 2010
Most recent year of publication 2016
Date of last update 2016-11-21
Ranking organization RUR Rankings Agency
Website of the methodology
About RUR Agency

The RUR ranking agency exists since 2013 and publishes international rankings system of universities Round University Ranking (RUR). Raw data for the RUR Rankings system is provided by an international company Clarivate Analytics (formerly the IP&Science business of Thomson Reuters). The Agency also offers consulting services for universities to strengthen their competitiveness in the higher education sector. The RUR Agency is based in Moscow, Russian Federation.

About Round University Rankings system

RUR international rankings system includes 37 rankings: overall ranking, 4 dimension areas rankings, 6 subject rankings, 24 subject rankings by dimension areas and 2 additional rankings which measure separate activities of universities. The system covers the period from 2010 to the present. Over the 7 years 850 world's leading universities from 80 countries took part in the RUR rankings system and their performance was evaluated by 20 indicators and 4 dimension areas: teaching, research, internationalization, financial sustainability and by 6 subject areas: humanities, life sciences, natural sciences, technical sciences, social sciences, medical sciences.

RUR Rankings is designed as an evaluation system aimed to provide sufficient information about university performance to address stakeholder's personal tasks: students, academic community, university management, policy makers.

RUR Data

All the raw data (as number of students, academic staff etc.) is provided by an international company Clarivate Analytics (formerly the IP&Science business of Thomson Reuters) through a special data survey called Global Institutional Profiles Project (GIPP). This survey is conducted annually in spring and covers around 850 world higher education institutions with the prospective expansion by 1000+.


Three types of the raw data are used in the RUR rankings system:

  1. Statistical data
    • • Universities provide information on 20 indicators themselves through the GIPP project, which are further used to generate 100 scaled indicators (ratio between 2 values) 20 of which are used in the RUR rankings system.
  2. Bibliomteric data
    • • For bibliometric/scientometrics information RUR rankings system uses the raw data extracted from the Web of Science Core Collection.
  3. Reputation data
    • • As a part of Global Institutional Profiles Project a special Academic Reputation Survey is conducted annually. Each reputation survey includes around 60,000 responses from 10,000 respondents which present all dimensions of global academic community.

Round University Ranking is the comprehensive system of world university rankings which includes 4 main rankings with prospectives for expansions and also sub-rankings within the 4 key rankings:

    1. RUR Overall Rankings

      Overall Ranking evaluates instituional performance by 20 indicators which are grouped in 4 dimensions. In turn each dimension of Overall ranking forms a separate ranking where 5 metrics of each 4 groups are included. The list of RUR rankings by dimensions is the following:

      • • Teaching Ranking;
      • • Research Ranking;
      • • International Diversity Ranking;
      • • Financial Sustainability Ranking.

    1. RUR Subject Rankings

      The methodology of subject rankings is identical to the methodology of the overall ranking. In rankings by 6 broad subject areas we use the same 20 indicators, grouped in 4 dimension areas. What differentiate these two sets of rankings is the raw data used in each of the group.

      Each of the subject rankings falls into 5 rankings: overall (20 indicators) and 4 dimension rankings (5 indicators per each ranking).

      List of RUR Subject Rankings:

      • • Humanities
      • • Life Sciences;
      • • Natural Sciences;
      • • Technical Sciences;
      • • Social Sciences;
      • • Medical Sciences.

    1. RUR Reputation Rankings

      RUR Reputation Rankings are aimed to measure universities brand, influence of a particular institution globally. This ranking assess institutions by only two indicators (teaching and research reputation) with the same weight of 50% per each indicator.

  1. RUR Research Perfomance Ranking

    RUR Research Performance Ranking evaluates institution’s performance in terms of its scientific effectiveness, quality and recognition of researches conducted in certain university. The selection of scientometric indicators, some of which coincides with RUR Research sub ranking metrics, is used in this ranking. The list of indicators is presented below:

    • • Normalizaed citation impact;
    • • Citation per papers;
    • • Papers per academic and research staff;
    • • Research reputation;
    • • International co-authored papers.


RUR Methodology

To evaluate performance of 850 leading world universities RUR Rankings system use the unique comprehensive methodology and assess higher education institutions performance by 20 separate indicators (see below). For more details please see our methodology page.


Teaching indicators
Research indicators
Academic staff per students Citations per academic and research staff
Academic staff per bachelor degrees Doctoral degrees per admitted PhD
Doctoral degrees per academic staff Normalized citation impact
Doctoral degrees per bachelor degrees Papers per Academic and research staff
Teaching reputation Research reputation
International Diversity indicators
Financial Sustainability indicators
International academic staff Institutional income per academic staff
International students Institutional income per students
International co-authored papers Papers per million research income
International reputation Research income per Academic staff
International level Research income per institutional income

Additional information

  • Type of publication: internet
  • Internet users access to ranking: open access
  • Language of publication: English
  • Main target groups: higher education institutions, policymakers, governments and funding agencies, students and parents
  • Level of comparison: broad fields, institutional
  • Major dimensions covered: internationalization, reputation, research, teaching
  • Structure of presentation: multi-indicator ranking
  • Data sources: data collected from HEIs by third-party agency
  • Quality assurance of ranking: periodic consultancy
  • Website of the ranking organization:
  • Types of the ranking organization: commercial/for-profit (incl. media)