Methodology |
- Academic Training: The academic degree of full-time professors and the university where it was obtained, as well as the ratio of full-time professors to students (80%).
- Experience: The background of part-time professors in the business world and significant economic institutions of the State (20%).
- Current Average Income: The average income obtained by alumni three years after graduating from the program, converted to U.S. dollars according to the official exchange rate of each country as of December 31 of the corresponding year (20%).
- Income Variation Pre and Post MBA: The increase or decrease in total income of alumni three years after graduating from the program (20%).
- Income/Cost Ratio: The relationship of the current average income to the total cost of the MBA program, both measured in U.S. dollars (20%).
- Career Mobility: Six areas of concrete positive changes in the professional trajectory reported by alumni (20%).
- Satisfaction Level: The perceived contribution level by graduates regarding the training and tools received during the program (10%).
- Employment Eligibility: The reception of a reasonable job offer shortly after graduation (5%).
- Job Networks: The concrete impact of the formal and informal networks acquired directly through the program on securing new jobs (5%).
- Alumni Trajectory: The type of companies alumni work for and the positions held by recent and historical top graduates (70%).
- Alumni Networks: Alumni associations and placement centers provided by schools (20%).
- Entrepreneurships: Ventures undertaken by alumni in recent years (10%).
- Internationalization: The international links established by the business school based on accreditations (AMBA, EQUIS, or AACSB), memberships, overseas campuses, agreements, and exchanges (85%).
- Diversity: Gender parity and the geographical diversity of the nationalities of foreign professors (15%).
- Research: Papers directly related to business administration and management published in journals indexed in Science Citation Expanded Index (SCIE), Social Science Citation Index (SSCI), and Arts & Humanities Citation Index (AHCI), with journal impact factor (JIF) measurements from Clarivate between 2020 and 2022 (80%).
- Production of Books, Chapters, and Cases: The gross triannual production of books and chapters by university faculty published by a list of highly recognized external publishers (20%).