General information on ranking

Name of the ranking Eduniversal Business Schools Ranking
Geographical scope Global
Website of the ranking
Publication frequency annual
First year of publication 2007
Most recent year of publication 2023
Date of last update 2024-07-25
Ranking organization Eduniversal Evaluation Agency
Website of the methodology

The Eduniversal Official Selection of the 1,000 Best Business Schools all over the world was created over the guidance of the Eduniversal International Scientific Committee. The ranking of the 1,000 best Business Schools is reviewed every year, in order to provide a current map of the best higher education institutions worldwide.

The Eduniversal System allows for an horizontal comparison within 9 geographical zones, which is different from the vertical comparison generally established by others ranking agency. Thus, the Eduniversal Ranking System does not compare schools from one country to another, but ranks the best schools within each country, which allows a better inclusion of the diversity of the higher education world and the specificities of each geographical areas.

The 1,000 best Business Schools ranking’s establishment follows every year a clear three steps process.

Step 1 - The official selection of the 1,000 best business schools

The aim of the ranking process is to determine, out of thousands of different business schools, the top 1000 that will be selected. The number of schools selected to take part in the ranking, from each of the 154 countries, is determined according to a quota method using both quantitative and qualitative criteria.

The quantitative criteria include:
- the national expenditure on education per inhabitant
- the GDP per inhabitant
- the size of the population
- the number of students in higher education

The qualitative criteria include:
- the number of graduate academic institutions in the country
- the historical importance of the national educational tradition

Step 2 - The palmes of excellence awards to each of the 1,000 ranked schools

The Official Selection of the 1,000 Best Business Schools rests on quantitative and qualitative criteria. Then, for each country, the choosen schools are divided into five levels of excellence we call the "Palmes of Excellence". The Palme level is awarded to each schools according to a set of criteria created by the Eduniversal International Scientific Comminuty, which are mainly internationalization criteria, such as accreditations, major rankings, memberships in academic or professional associations or partnerships. The Palmes leagues are divided as followed:

  • 100 schools in the 5 palmes league - Universal Business Schools with strong global influence
  • 200 schools in the 4 palmes league - Top Business Schools with significant international influence
  • 400 schools in the 3 palmes league - Excellent Business Schools with reinforcing international influence
  • 200 schools in the 2 palmes league - Good Business Schools with strong regional influence
  • 100 schools in the 1 palm league - Business Schools with considerable local influence


Step 3 - The deans' vote

The last step is the rating of the school inside its Palme Level in its country. Institutions are ranked here according to the assessment made by their peers, that is to say made by Deans of the others best Business Schools ranked by Eduniversal. This unique step is called the Deans' Vote, and allows to take into account the expertise of the deans of the best business schools worldwide, it is the synonym of a recognition by the peers.

Additional information

  • Type of publication: internet
  • Internet users access to ranking: open access
  • Language of publication: English
  • Main target groups: employers, higher education institutions, students and parents
  • Level of comparison: institutional: 1000
  • Major dimensions covered: reputation
  • Structure of presentation: awarding schools with 1-5 palmes of excellence
  • Data sources: survey conducted exclusively by ranking organization
  • Quality assurance of ranking: Eduniversal International Scientific Committee
  • Website of the ranking organization:
  • Types of the ranking organization: commercial/for-profit (incl. media)
  • Types of rankings: business