General information on ranking

Name of the ranking THE Emerging Economies University Rankings
Name of person in charge of ranking Phil Baty
E-mail of person in charge of ranking
Website of the ranking
Publication frequency annual
First year of publication 2014
Most recent year of publication 2022
Date of last update 2023-07-13
Ranking organization Times Higher Education
Website of the methodology

The Times Higher Education Emerging Economies University Rankings includes only institutions in countries ore regions classified as "advanced emerging", "secondary emerging" or "frontier" by London Stock Exchange’s FTSE Group . The rankings use the same 13 performance indicators as the flagship THE World University Rankings, but they are recalibrated to reflect the development priorities of universities in emerging economies.

TEACHING (the learning environment) 30%

Reputation survey (15%)

Staff-to-student ratio (4.5%)

Doctorate-to-bachelor’s ratio (2.25%)

Doctorates-awarded-to-academic-staff ratio (6%)

Institutional income (2.25%)

RESEARCH (volume, income and reputation) 30%

Reputation survey (18%)

Research income (6%)

Research productivity (6%)

CITATIONS (research influence) 20%

INTERNATIONAL OUTLOOK (staff, students, research) 10%

International-to-domestic-student ratio (3.3%)

International-to-domestic-staff ratio (3.3%)

International collaboration (3.4%)

INDUSTRY INCOME (knowledge transfer) 10%

Additional information

  • Type of publication: internet, mobile application, print - magazine, newspaper
  • Internet users access to ranking: open access
  • Language of publication: English
  • Main target groups: higher education institutions, policymakers, governments and funding agencies, students and parents
  • Level of comparison: institutional: 698
  • Major dimensions covered: internationalization, knowledge transfer, reputation, research, teaching
  • Structure of presentation: ordinary presentation (league tables)
  • Data sources: data collected from HEIs by ranking organization, survey conducted exclusively by ranking organization, third-party database (data not provided by HEI)
  • Quality assurance of ranking: certification (e.g. IREG Audit)
  • Website of the ranking organization:
  • Types of the ranking organization: commercial/for-profit (incl. media)
  • Types of rankings: regional