Name of the ranking | THE Young University Ranking |
Geographical scope | Global |
Name of person in charge of ranking | Phil Baty |
E-mail of person in charge of ranking | |
Website of the ranking | |
Publication frequency | annual |
First year of publication | 2004 |
Most recent year of publication | 2024 |
Date of last update | 2024-07-23 |
Ranking organization | Times Higher Education |
Website of the methodology | |
Methodology | The Times Higher Education Young University Rankings apply the same methodology as the flagship World University Rankings to assess research-intensive universities across all their core missions: teaching, research, knowledge transfer and international outlook. However, the weightings are recalibrated to reflect the profile of missions of young universities. The rankings include institutions that were founded between 1974 and the present.
Teaching (the learning environment): 29.5% Teaching reputation: 10% Staff-to-student ratio: 6% Doctorate-to-bachelor’s ratio: 3% Doctorates-awarded-to-academic-staff ratio: 7.5% Institutional income: 3%
Research Environment: 29% Research reputation: 12% Research income: 8.5% Research productivity: 8.5%
Research Quality: 30% Citation impact: 7.5% Research strength: 7.5% Research excellence: 7.5% Research influence: 7.5%
International Outlook: 7.5% Proportion of international students: 2.5% Proportion of international staff: 2.5% International collaboration: 2.5%
Industry: 4% Industry income: 2% Patents: 2%
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