General information on ranking

Name of the ranking The Economist Executive MBA Ranking (last edition in 2020)
Geographical scope Global
Website of the ranking
Publication frequency biannual
First year of publication 2013
Most recent year of publication 2020
Date of last update 2024-07-25
Ranking organization The Economist Newspaper Limited
Website of the methodology

For The Economist Executive MBA Ranking data were collected using two web-based questionnaires. One questionnaire was filled out by business schools and included more quantitative measures, such as details of students and faculty, the number of overseas assignments required and statistics on alumni. The second questionnaire was circulated to current students and alumni from schools’ last three graduating classes. Around 8,500 of these questionnaires were completed, and from them the more quantitative measures were gleaned, such as a rating of classmates, faculty, facilities and the like. Alumni also reported their pre-EMBA and current salaries, from which average increases could be calculated.

Programs are ranked on two criteria: personal development/educational experience and career development. Both categories are equally weighted. Within each category there are several sub-criteria and indicators, which are detailed below.


Quality of students (12.5%)

Pre-MBA salary, latest graduating class (4.16%); Work experience, years (2.09%); Managerial work experience, years (2.09%); Rating of culture and classmates (4.16%);

Student and faculty diversity (12.5%)

Number of industry sectors from which students were accepted (4.16%); Gender balance of students (2.08%);  Geographical diversity (4.16%); Gender balance of faculty (2.08%);

Quality of faculty (12.5%)

Student rating of faculty (3.13%); Student rating of teaching quality (3.13%); Percentage of EMBA faculty with a PhD (3.13%); Ratio of full-time faculty to EMBA students (1.56%);  Ratio of full-time equivalent faculty to EMBA students (1.56%);

Program quality (12.5%)

Student rating of facilities (2.50%); Student rating of program content (2.50%); Student rating of the relevance of the program (2.50%); Number of compulsory overseas assignments lasting one week or more (2.50%); Student rating of the ability to keep in contact with students/faculty when off campus (2.50%);


Career progression (15%)

Rating of the extent to which the program helped alumni fulfill pre-EMBA goals (7.50%); Percentage of alumni who have been promoted or grown their company since graduation (7.50%);

Salary (27.5%)

Percentage increase on pre-EMBA salary on graduation (6.88%); Percentage increase on pre-EMBA salary after one year (6.88%); Percentage increase on pre-EMBA salary after two years (6.88%); Average salary of EMBA graduates, most recent graduates class (6.88%);

Networking (7.5%)

Number of overseas MBA alumni branches (1.88%); Number of overseas business-school alumni branches (1.88%); Student rating of the helpfulness of EMBA alumni (3.75%);

Additional information

  • Type of publication: internet
  • Internet users access to ranking: open access
  • Language of publication: English
  • Main target groups: employers, higher education institutions, students and parents
  • Level of comparison: study programs: 70
  • Major dimensions covered: employability, reputation, teaching
  • Structure of presentation: ordinary presentation (league tables)
  • Data sources: data collected from HEIs by ranking organization, survey conducted exclusively by ranking organization
  • Quality assurance of ranking: periodic consultancy
  • Website of the ranking organization:
  • Types of the ranking organization: commercial/for-profit (incl. media)
  • Types of rankings: business