General information on ranking

Name of the ranking SCImago Institutions Ranking
Geographical scope Global
E-mail of person in charge of ranking;
Website of the ranking
Publication frequency annual
First year of publication 2009
Most recent year of publication 2024
Date of last update 2024-05-05
Ranking organization Scimago Lab
Website of the methodology

The SCImago Institutions Rankings (SIR) is a classification of academic and research-related institutions ranked by a composite indicator that combines three different groups of indicators based on research performance, innovation output and societal impact measured by their web visibility. In each group the following indicators are included:


Normalized Impact (13%) - Normalized Impact is computed over the institution's leadership output using the methodology established by the Karolinska Institutet in Sweden where it is named "Item oriented field normalized citation score average". The normalization of the citation values is done on an individual article level.

Excellence with Leadership (8%) - Excellence with Leadership indicates the amount of documents in Excellence in which the institution is the main contributor.

Output (8%) - Total number of documents published in scholarly journals indexed in Scopus.

Scientific Leadership (5%) - Leadership indicates the amount of an institution’s output as main contributor, that is, the amount of papers in which the corresponding author belongs to the institution.

Not Own Journals Output (3%) - Number of documents not published in own journals (published by the institution).

Own Journals (3%) - Number of journals published by the institution (publishing services).

Excellence (2%) - Excellence indicates the amount of an institution’s scientific output that is included in the top 10% of the most cited papers in their respective scientific fields.

High Quality Publications (2%) - The number of publications that an institution publishes in the most influential scholarly journals of the world. These are those ranked in the first quartile (25%) in their categories as ordered by SCImago Journal Rank (SJRII) indicato.

International Collaboration (2%) - Institution's output produced in collaboration with foreign institutions. The values are computed by analyzing an institution's output whose affiliations include more than one country address.

Open Access (2%) - Percentage of documents published in Open Access journals or indexed in Unpaywall database.

Scientific Talent Pool (2%) - Total number of different authors from an institution in the total publication output of that institution during a particular period of time.


Innovative Knowledge (10%) - Scientific publication output from an institution cited in patents. Based on PATSTAT (

Patents (10%) - Number of patent applications (simple families). Based on PATSTAT (

Technological Impact (10%) - Percentage of the scientific publication output cited in patents. Based on PATSTAT (


Altmetrics (3%) - Altmetrics indicator has been calculated over the 10% documents of the institutions (best documents regarding the normalized impact value). This indicator has two components:

  • PlumX Metrics (weigth: 70%) - number of documents that have more than one mention in PlumX Metrics ( Mentions in Twitter, Facebook, blogs, news and comments (Reddit, Slideshare, Vimeo or YouTube) are considered.
  • Mendeley (weigth: 30%) - number of documents that have more than one reader in Mendeley (


Web size (3%) - Number of pages associated to the institution’s URL according to Google (

Authority Score (3%) - A composite metric developed by Semrush to measure the overall quality and SEO performance of a website. It is mainly based on 3 aspects: Link Power, Organic Traffic and Spam Factors. Its usefulness relies in the possibility of benchmarking domains, without establishing scores on an absolute scale of values.

Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) (5%) - Number of documents related to the Sustainable Development Goals defined by the United Nations.

Female Scientific Talent Pool (3%) - Number of different female authors of scientific papers from an institution.

Impact in public policy - Overton (3%) - Number of documents of the institution that have been cited in policy documents according to the Overton database.

Additional information

  • Type of publication: internet
  • Internet users access to ranking: open access
  • Language of publication: English
  • Main target groups: employers, higher education institutions, policymakers, governments and funding agencies, quality assurance, accreditation, and recognition organizations
  • Level of comparison: institutional: 4762 (universities), 9054 (all sectors)
  • Major dimensions covered: employability, innovation, knowledge transfer, research, social engagement, web presence
  • Structure of presentation: ordinary presentation (league tables)
  • Data sources: third-party database (data not provided by HEI)
  • Quality assurance of ranking: advisory board, periodic consultancy
  • Website of the ranking organization:
  • Types of the ranking organization: commercial/for-profit (incl. media)
  • Types of rankings: global