General information on ranking

Name of the ranking Business of Fashion’s Graduate Business Ranking
Geographical scope Global
Website of the ranking
Publication frequency annual
First year of publication 2015
Most recent year of publication 2017
Date of last update 2018-03-03
Ranking organization The Business of Fassion
Website of the methodology

The Business of Fashion’s Graduate Business Ranking aim to provide an objective assessment of the top fashion business masters programmes around the world. The BoF Graduate Business Rankings are based on three criteria and nine indicators:


Reputation (10%)

Composite score based on the total number of times the school is ranked top three in having the most creative, most business savvy, and most compelling graduates according to a global pool of fashion school academics.

Selectivity (10%)

% Acceptance rate - Proportion of admitted students to applicants; % Yield - Proportion of admitted applicants who decided to enroll in the school as a measure of desirability.


Student Body (10%)

Student diversity score - numerical average value applied to each school’s student satisfaction with peer diversity on a scale of 1-5; International enrollment - proportion of international students in class as an indication of global reach and perspective; Weighted overall student quality score - numerical average value applied to student satisfaction with overall student body on a scale of 1-5.

Resources (10%)

The percentage of students that participate in work or internship placements and a numerical average value applied to student satisfaction with all resources (library/study materials, workrooms, campus/buildings, technology and IT, financial aid) on a scale of 1-5.

Teaching (15%)

Numerical average value applied to student satisfaction with curriculum and teaching on a scale of 1-5.


Careers (15%)

Graduation rate: proportion of students enrolled who successfully complete the intended programme; Weighted careers satisfaction score: numerical average value applied to student satisfaction with career services, quality of recruiters, and networking events/career fairs on a scale of 1-5.

Preparedness (25%) 

Time to employment: inverse of numerical average applied to time it took alumni to obtain a job post graduation on a scale 1-4 (from 3 months to 12+ months); Career preparedness score: numerical average value applied to how prepared alumni felt to join the workforce after graduating on a scale from 1-5; Employability score: composite score based on the total number of times the school is ranked top three in having the most creative, most business savvy, and most compelling graduates according to a global pool of fashion HR Professionals;

% salary increase: the average percentage increase of alumni salaries prior to commencing the degree to those received in their first position post graduation; Weighted career progression: numerical average increase in seniority level from prior to commencing the degree to that obtained in their first position post graduation. Change in seniority level was adjusted depending on the size of company

Alumni Network (5%)

Numerical average value applied to satisfaction with alumni network on a scale of 1-5  based on accessibility of alumni, global reach and level of activity.


Additional information

  • Type of publication: internet
  • Internet users access to ranking: open access
  • Language of publication: English
  • Main target groups: employers, higher education institutions, students and parents
  • Level of comparison: study programs
  • Major dimensions covered: employability, reputation, teaching
  • Structure of presentation: ordinary presentation (league tables)
  • Data sources: survey conducted exclusively by ranking organization
  • Website of the ranking organization:
  • Types of the ranking organization: commercial/for-profit (incl. media)