Latest Shanghai Ranking Shows New World-Class Universities

The Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) is published by Shanghai Ranking Consultancy and is the oldest of the current global university rankings.

There are six indicators: Nobel and Fields awards to alumni, awards to faculty, highly cited researchers, publications in journals indexed in the Science Citation Index Enhanced and the Social Science Citation Index, articles in Nature and Science, and productivity per capita based on the scores for these metrics per academic staff.

The Shanghai Rankings are very stable at the top. The top five universities, which are the same as last year, are as follows:

  1. Harvard University, USA
  2. Stanford University, USA
  3. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
  4. University of Cambridge, UK
  5. University of California Berkeley, USA

The top universities tend to be American or British, although Paris-Saclay University, ETH Zurich, and Tsinghua University are now in the top thirty. However, China has now become the dominant power in the overall rankings, with 225 universities in the top 1000 compared to 183 in the USA. Meanwhile, several Asian universities have continued to advance, although the University of Tokyo continues to drift downwards.

Shanghai Ranking reports the arrival of six new universities in the top one hundred: Ohio State University Columbus, USA, Wuhan University, China, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia, Xi’an Jiao Tong University, China, Sichuan University, China, and the University of Helsinki, Finland.



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